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18 Votes in Poll
18 Votes in Poll
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17 Votes in Poll
So the Christmas Episode that was announced is from Season 9. And Eric J. Pringle said "Four Hundred" is the last episode of of the season. I'm guessing this means Season 8 is shorter than normal? Because each season usually contains 52 episodes. Or maybe Pringle meant it's the final Season 8 episode in production order. Because I know we still have 10 episodes left before S8 ends.
14 Votes in Poll
Given that this show has often made episodes that take a jab at pretty much EVERYTHING!!!!
The 4th wall.
The voice actors.
The hate and mockery of this show.
The poor quality of the show itself.
This show making fun of the original 2003 show.
Funny cameos and surprise appearances from other WB media and franchises.
Hopefully, there will be an episode (a BIG one no less) that makes fun of David Zaslav, WB Discovery and all of the man's 'effed up decisions and him making money over releasing cancelled content that people have wanted to see.
(Coyote Vs. Acme, Bye, Bye Bunny, Batgirl, Scooby Doo-Mystery Pups, etc.)
Like, if there's an episode that has the Titans picking on, mocking and attacking a caricature of Mr. Zaslav concerning his controversial behaviour, it would probably be a dream come true, because it would serve the guy right!!!!