Teen Titans Go! Wiki
Teen Titans Go! Wiki

This article is a transcript of the Teen Titans Go! episode "40%, 40%, 20%" from season 3, which aired on October 21, 2015.

Teen Titans

The Brain Monsieur Mallah

Titans Tower
The Night Begins to Shine
Plot Point
The Titans worry about Cyborg's obsession with a song.
This transcript is .


Cyborg: One, two, three, four.

The Night Begins to Shine starts to play in Cyborg's room. He then goes to the living room where the Titans are seated, and proceeds to lip-sync the lyrics to them.

♪ I saw you dance from the corner. I caught your name in a conversation. Playing hard to get, I can't understand. When I look at you, I see the story in your eyes. When we're dancing... ♪

Robin: Cyborg!

♪ That night begins to shine ♪

Raven: Cyborg!

♪ Night begins to shine ♪

Beast Boy: Bro!

♪ The night begins to shine, night begins to shine. When we're dancing, the night begins to... ♪

Robin: Cyborg!

Cyborg: Yes?

Starfire: Cyborg, we must speak on the topic of the song.

Cyborg: It's pretty great, right?

Raven: You play it every day. Multiple times a day.

Cyborg: Yeah, I do! It gets me pumped up! Uh!

Beast Boy: Bro, what's so special about that song?

Cyborg: On the magnetic strip in this cassette tape, lives the greatest song ever written. The Night Begins to Shine! Influenced by the sounds of the '80s, it was 40% written by Carl Burnett, 40% by Franklin Enea, and a sweet, sweet 20% by William J. Reagan. When I hear this song, anything is possible!

Starfire: Can such power come from something as simple as musical arrangements?

Cyborg: Music can transform you, girl.

Raven: Transform me? So, I can be Optimus Prime?

Cyborg: No! I want to be Optimus Prime! But you can be Bumblebee.

Raven rolls her eyes. Cyborg turns the song on again and walks backwards out the room.


Beast Boy: Uh...

(Raven, Robin, and Starfire sigh, one after the other)

Cyborg: Whoo! (Night Begins to Shine playing)

Cyborg: (turns song off) What are you guys doing?

Starfire: The blah.

Robin: Yep.

Beast Boy: Pretty much.

Cyborg: You know what I do when I feel, "The blah"?

Raven: You play "The Night Begins to Shine!"

Cyborg: (resumes song) I play "The Night Begins to Shine!"

Robin: We've heard that song 100 times. It does nothing for us.

Cyborg: You've got to listen with your heart. Not your ears.

Raven: It's not gonna work. Whoa. What's happening to my body?

Cyborg: That's the blah going on a temporary vacation. See you in three minutes, the blah!

♪ I saw you dance ♪ (Beast Boy lip-syncing)

Beast Boy: How am I lip-syncing when I don't even know the words?

Cyborg: The words know you. They always have.

The kitchen scene turns into an 80s style cartoon.

Starfire: What is happening to reality?

Cyborg: Music is its own reality.

Robin: This is freaking me out. What do we do?

Cyborg: We ride!

♪ I saw you dance from the corner. I caught your name in a conversation ♪

Cyborg increases the speed of the motorcycle. The camera focuses on a rock; underneath it, a robot-bug thing crawls out of it.

♪ Playing hard to get, I can't understand ♪

A robot-eagle calls out, its eyes glisten. It joins the party.

♪ When I look at you, I see the story in your eyes. When we're dancing, the night begins to shine ♪

The camera pans towards a robot-horse. Its red eyes shine amidst the moonlight surrounding it. It gallops, trailing behind the Titans.

♪ Night begins to shine, the night begins to shine ♪

Suddenly, a wolf's face has imprinted on the moon's surface.

♪ Night begins to shine. When we're dancing, the night... ♪ (Robin turns the song off)

Cyborg: Hey!

Robin: Cyborg, we need to talk about the song.

Beast Boy: You seriously need some variety in your playlist, bro.

Raven: It's time to give it a rest.

Cyborg: Okay. Just one more time, then.

Robin: No.

Cyborg: Just the beginning?

Robin: No.

Cyborg: I'll just skip to the best part.

Robin: No more! The night is done shining, Cyborg!

Beast Boy: It's for your own good, bro.

Starfire: We are concerned that you cannot function without the shines of the night.

Cyborg: I can't and I don't! So what?

Robin: Here. Open this.

Cyborg: Easy-greasy.

Robin: Without the song.

Cyborg: Right. No problem.

(struggling noises)

Cyborg: What is this jar made of?

He drops the pickle jar, having given up; the jar hits the floor with a light clang.

Raven: Wow. You can't even open a pickle jar on your own.

Robin: Imagine what would happen if your team was in trouble.

Crime! Crime! Crime! (toast pops out of toaster)

Robin: Crime alert. The Brain is attacking Jump City. Titans, go! Not you.

Cyborg: What? Why?

Robin: You're suspended until you get that jar open without your song. Titans, except for Cyborg, go!

Cyborg: I can do this.

(Cyborg's hand pops off)

Cyborg: Come on!


Cyborg: The Brain has captured the Titans. They need my help.

Cyborg: Robin was right. I've been using that song as a crutch. Without it, I don't have enough willpower to do anything! Even save my friends.

(bird screeching the night begins to shine)

Cyborg: No way. "The Night Begins to Shine" inspired that hawk to build its nest. Birds sing all the time, and they're always getting work done!

Cyborg: I understand now. Music is supposed to be a crutch. And right now, I need me some crutches!

(opens jar, Cyborg takes a bite out of a pickle)

Back to the 80s cartoon.

♪ Night begins to shine. The night begins to shine, night begins to shine. When we're dancing, the night begins to shine. ♪

The hawk-eagle-robot turns away from its perch and follows Cyborg.

♪ The night begins to shine. Have my mind made up, wanna feel your touch. When I look at you, I see the story in your eyes ♪

The wolf growls.

♪ When we're dancing, the night begins to shine. Night begins to shine ♪

The wolf howls, jumps towards Cyborg, and has the light from its eyes drained as it becomes an accessory wrapped around Cyborg's torso. Its energy is a part of Cyborg now.

♪ The night begins to shine, night begins to shine. When we're dancing, the night begins to shine ♪ [maybe wrong]

An adversary appears, the giant robot swings its sword and misses Cyborg. The motorcycle during the transition neighs, it has turned into the horse from earlier.

♪ My heart was racing. I took you home, in the driving rain. Had my mind made up ♪

The Brain watches all this going on. His eyes narrow, and he commands his soldiers to go after Cyborg.

♪ Wanna feel your touch. When I look at you, I see the story in your eyes ♪

The winged skeletons shoot laser beams out of their mouths. Cyborg has a light shield now. Eagle-hawk's eyes glisten once again.

♪ When we're dancing, the night begins to shine ♪

The hawk gives Cyborg a katana, as he unsheathes it, it gleams. It points it towards the army, and the energy blasts them. They cry in agony.

♪ Night begins to shine, the night begins to shine ♪

♪ When we're dancing, the night begins to shine. The night begins to... ♪

(music tape is crushed by the brain, 80s cartoon is over)

The Brain: Look, Titans. Your great champion is nothing but a sack of meat and metal. He is nothing without his music.

Robin: Cyborg, you have to save us.

Cyborg: I can't. My song's gone! Forever.

The Titans besides Cyborg sing the opener of the song.

The Brain: You think that will help? He is defeated. What?

Robin: ♪ I saw you dance from the corner. Caught your name in a conversation. Playing hard to get ♪

The Brain: What is happening?

Robin: ♪ I can't understand ♪

The Brain: Stop that singing!

Titans except Cyborg: ♪ When I look at you, I see the story in your eyes. When we're dancing ♪

Cyborg: The night... begins... to... SHINE!!!

The Brain: Impossible!

Cyborgamus Prime: Music will transform you. One shall stand, one shall fall.

Starfire: (gasp) Friend Cyborg?

Cyborgamus Prime: Call me Cyborgamus Prime.

Titans except Cyborg: Wow.

Robin: Oh, yes!

Cyborgamus Prime: Titans, roll out.

♪ Night begins to shine. The night begins to shine, night begins to shine. When we're dancing, the night begins to shine... ♪

See also[]
