This article is a transcript of the Teen Titans Go! episode "40%, 40%, 20%" from season 3, which aired on October 21, 2015.
Characters Teen Titans |
Locations Titans Tower |
Song The Night Begins to Shine |
Plot Point The Titans worry about Cyborg's obsession with a song. |
This transcript is . |
Cyborg: One, two, three, four.
The Night Begins to Shine starts to play in Cyborg's room. He then goes to the living room where the Titans are seated, and proceeds to lip-sync the lyrics to them.
♪ I saw you dance from the corner. I caught your name in a conversation. Playing hard to get, I can't understand. When I look at you, I see the story in your eyes. When we're dancing... ♪
Robin: Cyborg!
♪ That night begins to shine ♪
Raven: Cyborg!
♪ Night begins to shine ♪
Beast Boy: Bro!
♪ The night begins to shine, night begins to shine. When we're dancing, the night begins to... ♪
Robin: Cyborg!
Cyborg: Yes?
Starfire: Cyborg, we must speak on the topic of the song.
Cyborg: It's pretty great, right?
Raven: You play it every day. Multiple times a day.
Cyborg: Yeah, I do! It gets me pumped up! Uh!
Beast Boy: Bro, what's so special about that song?
Cyborg: On the magnetic strip in this cassette tape, lives the greatest song ever written. The Night Begins to Shine! Influenced by the sounds of the '80s, it was 40% written by Carl Burnett, 40% by Franklin Enea, and a sweet, sweet 20% by William J. Reagan. When I hear this song, anything is possible!
Starfire: Can such power come from something as simple as musical arrangements?
Cyborg: Music can transform you, girl.
Raven: Transform me? So, I can be Optimus Prime?
Cyborg: No! I want to be Optimus Prime! But you can be Bumblebee.
Raven rolls her eyes. Cyborg turns the song on again and walks backwards out the room.
Beast Boy: Uh...
(Raven, Robin, and Starfire sigh, one after the other)
Cyborg: Whoo! (Night Begins to Shine playing)
Cyborg: (turns song off) What are you guys doing?
Starfire: The blah.
Robin: Yep.
Beast Boy: Pretty much.
Cyborg: You know what I do when I feel, "The blah"?
Raven: You play "The Night Begins to Shine!"
Cyborg: (resumes song) I play "The Night Begins to Shine!"
Robin: We've heard that song 100 times. It does nothing for us.
Cyborg: You've got to listen with your heart. Not your ears.
Raven: It's not gonna work. Whoa. What's happening to my body?
Cyborg: That's the blah going on a temporary vacation. See you in three minutes, the blah!
♪ I saw you dance ♪ (Beast Boy lip-syncing)
Beast Boy: How am I lip-syncing when I don't even know the words?
Cyborg: The words know you. They always have.
The kitchen scene turns into an 80s style cartoon.
Starfire: What is happening to reality?
Cyborg: Music is its own reality.
Robin: This is freaking me out. What do we do?
Cyborg: We ride!
♪ I saw you dance from the corner. I caught your name in a conversation ♪
Cyborg increases the speed of the motorcycle. The camera focuses on a rock; underneath it, a robot-bug thing crawls out of it.
♪ Playing hard to get, I can't understand ♪
A robot-eagle calls out, its eyes glisten. It joins the party.
♪ When I look at you, I see the story in your eyes. When we're dancing, the night begins to shine ♪
The camera pans towards a robot-horse. Its red eyes shine amidst the moonlight surrounding it. It gallops, trailing behind the Titans.
♪ Night begins to shine, the night begins to shine ♪
Suddenly, a wolf's face has imprinted on the moon's surface.
♪ Night begins to shine. When we're dancing, the night... ♪ (Robin turns the song off)
Cyborg: Hey!
Robin: Cyborg, we need to talk about the song.
Beast Boy: You seriously need some variety in your playlist, bro.
Raven: It's time to give it a rest.
Cyborg: Okay. Just one more time, then.
Robin: No.
Cyborg: Just the beginning?
Robin: No.
Cyborg: I'll just skip to the best part.
Robin: No more! The night is done shining, Cyborg!
Beast Boy: It's for your own good, bro.
Starfire: We are concerned that you cannot function without the shines of the night.
Cyborg: I can't and I don't! So what?
Robin: Here. Open this.
Cyborg: Easy-greasy.
Robin: Without the song.
Cyborg: Right. No problem.
(struggling noises)
Cyborg: What is this jar made of?
He drops the pickle jar, having given up; the jar hits the floor with a light clang.
Raven: Wow. You can't even open a pickle jar on your own.
Robin: Imagine what would happen if your team was in trouble.
Crime! Crime! Crime! (toast pops out of toaster)
Robin: Crime alert. The Brain is attacking Jump City. Titans, go! Not you.
Cyborg: What? Why?
Robin: You're suspended until you get that jar open without your song. Titans, except for Cyborg, go!
Cyborg: I can do this.
(Cyborg's hand pops off)
Cyborg: Come on!
Cyborg: The Brain has captured the Titans. They need my help.
Cyborg: Robin was right. I've been using that song as a crutch. Without it, I don't have enough willpower to do anything! Even save my friends.
(bird screeching the night begins to shine)
Cyborg: No way. "The Night Begins to Shine" inspired that hawk to build its nest. Birds sing all the time, and they're always getting work done!
Cyborg: I understand now. Music is supposed to be a crutch. And right now, I need me some crutches!
(opens jar, Cyborg takes a bite out of a pickle)
Back to the 80s cartoon.
♪ Night begins to shine. The night begins to shine, night begins to shine. When we're dancing, the night begins to shine. ♪
The hawk-eagle-robot turns away from its perch and follows Cyborg.
♪ The night begins to shine. Have my mind made up, wanna feel your touch. When I look at you, I see the story in your eyes ♪
The wolf growls.
♪ When we're dancing, the night begins to shine. Night begins to shine ♪
The wolf howls, jumps towards Cyborg, and has the light from its eyes drained as it becomes an accessory wrapped around Cyborg's torso. Its energy is a part of Cyborg now.
♪ The night begins to shine, night begins to shine. When we're dancing, the night begins to shine ♪ [maybe wrong]
An adversary appears, the giant robot swings its sword and misses Cyborg. The motorcycle during the transition neighs, it has turned into the horse from earlier.
♪ My heart was racing. I took you home, in the driving rain. Had my mind made up ♪
The Brain watches all this going on. His eyes narrow, and he commands his soldiers to go after Cyborg.
♪ Wanna feel your touch. When I look at you, I see the story in your eyes ♪
The winged skeletons shoot laser beams out of their mouths. Cyborg has a light shield now. Eagle-hawk's eyes glisten once again.
♪ When we're dancing, the night begins to shine ♪
The hawk gives Cyborg a katana, as he unsheathes it, it gleams. It points it towards the army, and the energy blasts them. They cry in agony.
♪ Night begins to shine, the night begins to shine ♪
♪ When we're dancing, the night begins to shine. The night begins to... ♪
(music tape is crushed by the brain, 80s cartoon is over)
The Brain: Look, Titans. Your great champion is nothing but a sack of meat and metal. He is nothing without his music.
Robin: Cyborg, you have to save us.
Cyborg: I can't. My song's gone! Forever.
The Titans besides Cyborg sing the opener of the song.
The Brain: You think that will help? He is defeated. What?
Robin: ♪ I saw you dance from the corner. Caught your name in a conversation. Playing hard to get ♪
The Brain: What is happening?
Robin: ♪ I can't understand ♪
The Brain: Stop that singing!
Titans except Cyborg: ♪ When I look at you, I see the story in your eyes. When we're dancing ♪
Cyborg: The night... begins... to... SHINE!!!
The Brain: Impossible!
Cyborgamus Prime: Music will transform you. One shall stand, one shall fall.
Starfire: (gasp) Friend Cyborg?
Cyborgamus Prime: Call me Cyborgamus Prime.
Titans except Cyborg: Wow.
Robin: Oh, yes!
Cyborgamus Prime: Titans, roll out.
♪ Night begins to shine. The night begins to shine, night begins to shine. When we're dancing, the night begins to shine... ♪