Teen Titans Go! Wiki
Teen Titans Go! Wiki

This article is a transcript of the Teen Titans Go! episode "Animals, It's Just a Word!" from season 3, which aired on November 5, 2015.

Titans Tower
Plot Point
This transcript is complete.


(The episode starts at the titan's tower with Cyborg giving an introduction of his new contraption)

Cyborg: Check it out, My new laser cannon. Fire it up, Beasty!

Beast Boy: You got it, bro! (transforms into a cat) (meows)

Cyborg: Whoa now, what's with the cat?

Beast Boy: Keeps me frosty.

Cyborg: That's what I'd like to hear. Hit it!

Beast Boy: (sets up the cannon and the cannon charges)

Starfire: Oh, it looks very laser-cannony, Cyborg.

Cyborg: So beautiful.

(The fire button beeps as it flickers red and blue)

Beast Boy: Wow... (tries to touch the button but Cyborg stops him)

Cyborg: Hey, don't touch that.

Beast Boy: I wasn't going to touch nothing, yo.

(Cyborg turns his head back to Robin, Starfire, and Raven)

Robin: So, Cyborg, how much power does the cannon have?

Cyborg: Well, it's got 54 giga- (Looks back at Beast Boy) I SAID DO NOT TOUCH THAT!!!

Beast Boy: I wasn't!

Raven: (Zooms to him) Yeah, you were.

Beast Boy: You gots me, mama. I was going to touch it. You know how cats be? (purrs as he goes near the fire button)

Starfire: Please, Beast Boy, Fight your animal urges for once.

Beast Boy: (groans) Alright, alright, ALRIGHT! I won't touch anything.

Cyborg: As I was saying, it's got 54 giga- (Looks back at Beast Boy again) GET YOUR HAND AWAY FROM THAT BUTTON!!! YOU WILL KILL US ALL IF YOU TOUCH THAT BUTTON!!!

Beast Boy: Sorry, won't happen again. (Presses the fire button 1 second later as the cannon looks down at the other Titans, charging and fires at them as they get destroyed)

Robin: (wakes up as he's in the clinic) Ugh... Wh... Wh-what happened?

Beast Boy: Uh, I pretty much killed you though. But don't worry, I replaced all the blood you lost with my own.

Robin: Your blood?!

Cyborg: In us?!

Raven: Gross!

Starfire: Please remove it!

(The Titans start groaning as they go wild. Raven is licking her head. Cyborg is terrified as his blood is replaced with Beast Boy's. Robin is looking up and down as he hits both the wall and his blanket. Starfire is vomiting on the floor)

Beast Boy: Oh, come on! I saved your lives.

Raven: After you've almost KILLED us!!!

Beast Boy: Yeah. Sorry about that.

Robin: You couldn't just resist your animal urges, Beast Boy! I am so mad- (transforms into a dog and snarls) at y- (howling like a wolf)

Cyborg: Dude! You just transformed into a dog.

Robin: (as a dog) (Looks at his paws) Beast Boy's blood must have given us the power to turn into animals. (chews on his arm)

Starfire: I wish to turn into the animal. (transforms into a cat then meows) (gasps) I am the adorable! ♪Meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow♪

Raven: I'm thirsty. (transforms into a fish and floats into drops into a jug of water and swims around) Refreshing.

Cyborg: (transforms into a parrot) Squawk! This is so cool!

Robin: (as a dog) Now remember, Titans, we can be animals, we just can't become them.

Cyborg: (as a parrot) Whatever. I just wanna turn into a tiny donkey.

(Cyborg transforms into a tiny donkey and starts to dance)

Titans: Go, tiny donkey! Go, go, go!

(Cyborg starts acting like a tiny donkey and poses while the others are cheering)

Announcement Voice: I like your style!

(Scene cuts back to the Titans Tower in the next morning before revealing the Titans as dogs with Robin catching the panhandle in his mouth)

Robin: (as a dog) [muffled] Breakfast Ready!

(Robin pours out the meat onto the floor and everyone as dogs starts chomping before Cyborg walks in)

Cyborg: (as a dog) (sniffs) Mmm, mmm, mmm. What smells so good?

Starfire: (as a dog) We are breaking the fast.

Cyborg: (as a dog) (continues smelling) Not that smell. [sniffs] (looks at Beast Boy's butt) That smell! Bro bring that butt on over here so I can get a better sniff.

(Beast Boy walks over to Cyborg and gets his butt sniffed)

Cyborg: (as a dog) Oh, yeah, yeah. Guys get in on this.

(Beast Boy as a dog winks at the others and a "Snout it Out!" montage starts with the others sniffing each other's bodies)

(Robin then sniffs Cyborg butt twice)

Robin: (as a dog) You got a good bouquet going on there, Cy. Motor Oil, and [sniffs] Ooh, is that a hint of meatball?

Cyborg: (as a dog) (laughs) It is. (blushes)

Raven: (as a dog) (sniffs Beast Boy) Hmm, not bad.

(Montage ends...)

Cyborg: (as a dog) Whoo, doggy! I can sniff butts all day.

Beast Boy: (as a dog) Why stop at sniffin' butts? Check this out.

(Scene cuts to the sky with the Titans as birds)

Cyborg: (as a parrot) Whoo-hoo! Ha-ha! We've got that good air in our face and the sun on our wings.

Starfire: (as a bird) I could already do the flying before.

Beast Boy: (as a bird) Sure! But can you do this?

(The Titans all screech while swooping down)

Doctor Light: (whistling)

(Doctor Light cleans up his red car and finishes wiping before getting bird poop on it caused by the Titans)

Beast Boy: (as a bird) Nice car, bro! I've got you.

(The titans fly away while Doctor Light is furious)

Starfire: (as a bird) Ya-ya-ya!

Titans: (as birds) [laughter]

Robin: (as a bird) (laughs) (looks down) Over there. It's the H.I.V.E.

(The H.I.V.E. walk away while Mammoth is holding a safe after robbing a bank and piling bunches of Cop Cars)

Cyborg: (as a parrot) Let's get 'em!

(All the titans swoop down at the H.I.V.E. making them stop before transforming into sharks having them to try running away before they get bitten by the titans)

Starfire: (as a shark) Chomp, chomp, chomp! Chomp, chomp, chomp!

(Raven then spits out Gizmo along with the others wounded before the titans high five together and fly away)

(We cut back to the Titan's Tower at Night with the Titans as dogs playing cards)

Robin: (as a dog) Yep, nothing like a game of cards after sniffing butts and pooping on cars.

Starfire: (as a dog) Indeed, it is so wonderful being the animals and... [screams]

(Starfire starts getting her animal urges by screeching and laughing hysterical and looks out the windows and panting fast)

Robin: (as a dog) What was that about, Star?

Starfire: (as a dog) Outside, I saw... the cat.

(Everyone starts getting their animal urges and throws their cards up, coming to the window)

Titans: (as dogs) Ca-cat, cat, cat, cat, cat... Ca-ca-cat! Cat! Ca-ca-cat! Cat, cat, cat-cat-cat.. Ca-ca-cat, cat..

(All the titans stop barking about the cat and start frowning)

Raven: (as a dog) Whoa, what's happening to us?

Beast Boy: (as a dog) That's your animal urges, yo.

Starfire: (as a dog) Friends, is it safe for us to continue the animal life?

Robin: (as a dog) Absolutely. We are people. Suppressing our animal urges is what we do all day, every day.

Raven: (as a dog) Hey, the moon is out.

(Everyone start howling at the moon of the night before cutting to the Titans all going to sleep as animals)

(The Next Day, Robin, Starfire, and Raven start eating their breakfast fast)

Beast Boy: What up, dogs? (transforms into a dog) You ready to sniff some butts?

Robin: You know it.

(They all try to transform but fail)

Starfire: Our shapes have not shifted.

Robin: Then our ability to transform must have been temporary.

Starfire: (acts like a cat) And yet, I still yearn to claw the furniture. (scratches the couch)

Cyborg: (wearing the bird cage on his head) And I just want a cracker. Any cracker will do.

Raven: Is it just me or is it crazy dry in here? (acts like a fish)

(Raven starts swimming into the window and bumps her face on the glass by trying to go into the ocean)

Beast Boy: Uh, you okay, Ray-Ray?

Raven: [grunts] I'm good. (continues to bump her face onto the window)

(Starfire then knocks over DVD cases on the TV counter acting like a cat)

Beast Boy: Hey, stop messing with that.

Starfire: (acts like a cat) Never. (knocks over the DVD cases again)

Cyborg: Man, I really want a cracker. (acts like a bird) Cyborg want a cracker.

Beast Boy: Man, you guys are a bunch of animals. Control your urges, yo.

Robin: (acts like a dog) (sniffs Beast Boy's butt)

Beast Boy: Stop that!

Robin: (acts like a dog) (continues sniffing)

Beast Boy: Uh, here, fetch.

(He throws a stuffed toy making Robin chase it before fighting over it with Starfire)

Robin: (acts like a dog) Mine, I saw it first!

Starfire: (acts like a cat) Give me the toy!

(They both start fighting and attacking each other)

Beast Boy: Hey, hey, hey. No fighting.

(Starfire then hisses at Robin, scaring him away and licks her hand before Beast Boy puts her down before stepping on Robin's pee)

Beast Boy: Oh. Gross. Ah! Robin did you do this?

(Scene cuts to Robin leaning like a dog)

Robin: (acting like a dog) Why are you blaming me?

Beast Boy: Because you're trying to pee in the corner right now. Stop that, bad boy, Bad!

(Robin whines before lifting his leg again to pee)

Beast Boy: I said, "No!"

(Beast Boy takes out a spray bottle and sprays Robin with water)

Robin: (acting like a dog) Hey! (runs away whining)

Beast Boy: You guys gotta control your animal urges. You're gonna learn the same way I did. When you're good, you get a treat.

(Everyone except Beast Boy exclaim)

Beast Boy: But if you're bad, you get the spray bottle.

(He shows the spray bottle and sprays the screen into a montage where Beast Boy sprays Starfire for scratching the couch causing her to scratch the post and gets a treat, about to feed Raven but sprays Robin to not pee in the corner and gives him a treat, and Cyborg flaps his arms before getting sprayed and gets a cracker with the Titans being good getting treats from Beast Boy)

(Montage ends...)

(Scene cuts to Robin and Starfire laying on the couch with Beast Boy and Cyborg)

Beast Boy: Good boy. Good girl. Treats for everyone, yo.

(Beast Boy feeds them treats and Cyborg a cracker)

Cyborg: Chomp. Chomp. Booyah.

(Robin acting like a dog gets a belly scratch from Beast Boy before realizing Raven is nowhere to be seen)

Robin: (acts like a dog) Hey, where's Raven? (scratches himself with his leg)

Beast Boy: (realizes) Oh, no. I forgot to feed her!

(Beast Boy runs to Raven laying on the floor and turns her over thinking she was dead)

Beast Boy: (tearing up) She's dead!

All: (gasps)

Starfire: (acts like a cat) May I eat her?

Beast Boy: (sprays Starfire) No, she's gonna have dignified funeral.

(Scene cuts to Beast Boy holding Raven's "dead" body while tearing up)

Beast Boy: Raven. (wipes away tear) [sighs] Oh, you were a great teammate, but even a better fish. Now we send you back to the sea where you can swim forever.

(The Titans then sadly watch Beast Boy put Raven's "dead" body in the toilet sighing)

Cyborg: Dude, she's not going to the sea, she's going to the sewer.

Beast Boy: Oh, uh, now we sent you back to the sewer where flushed pets mutate, and roam free.

(Beast Boy then flushes the toilet but it doesn't work and he flushes again and doesn't work)

Beast Boy: (sobs) Get in...

(Beast Boy continues trying get Raven's "dead" body in the toilet while sobbing)

Beast Boy: (sobs) Get in.. Why.. Is your head so big? (cries)

(Beast Boy begins jumping on Raven's "dead" body while the Titans think he's getting too carried away)

Beast Boy: (cries) Just flush already.

(He continues to jump on her before using a plunger)

Beast Boy: Flush! [panting]

(Raven's "dead" body gets flushed into the toilet, sending her to the sewers)

Beast Boy: Finally, ugh! May she rest in peace.

Robin: (acts like a dog) [cries] (slurps the toilet water)

(Scene cuts back to Beast Boy sad about Raven being "dead" while the others are acting like animals)

Beast Boy: Man, Raven's dead, the place is a mess, and it smells terrible.

(Crime alert sounds making Robin stop chewing a flip flop)

Robin: Crime alert! Cinderblock is attacking the city.

Beast Boy: Come on, dude. Say the thing you always say.

Robin: Uh-uh-uh aren't you forgetting something?

(Robin, Starfire, Cyborg acting like animals sit down for their treats)

Beast Boy: [groans]

(He throws them their treats in their mouths)

Beast Boy: Now?

Robin: (acts like a dog) After you rub my tummy.

(Beast Boy then kneels down to rub Robin's tummy)

Beast Boy: Who's a good boy? Who's the good boy?

Robin: (acts like a dog) Ooh, ooh, I am, I am.

Beast Boy: Who's a good boy?

Robin: (acts like a dog) That's me. I'm a good boy. (acts normal) Titans go!

(Scene cuts to Cinderblock roaring in Jump city and punches the ground destroying each building and continues punching the ground)

Beast Boy: Let's do this!

Robin and Starfire: (both acting like a cat and dog) (whimpering)

Beast Boy: (takes out spray bottle) Bro, get down here!

Cyborg: (cawing)

(Cinderblock goes to the Titans to attack)

Beast Boy: I finally understand why you guys always told me to control my animal urges. (gulps)

(The sewer starts to glow and reveal a Mutant Alligator, Mutated Raven, and Mutant Rat who aids the Titans)

Raven: (mutated) Attack!

(Raven and her mutant team all punch Cinderblock to the ground and shows themselves after "defeating" him)

Starfire: (gasps) Oh, Raven!

Cyborg: What happened to you?

Starfire: Well, I was sleeping. And the next thing I know I wake up in the sewer. I was super mutated and I've got cool new mutant sewer friends.

Mutant Rat: Sup?

Mutant Alligator: Hey, dudes.

Mutant Rat: Sup?

Mutant Alligator: Hey, dudes.

Mutant Rat: Yeah, sup?

Mutant Alligator: Hey, dudes.

(The Titans walk over to Raven and her mutant friends)

Cyborg: Awesome.

(Cinderblock wakes up and roars)

Raven: (mutated) We got this.

(Cinderblock tries to punch Mutant Alligator and Rat before Mutant Rat takes out sewer covers)

Mutant Rat: Sup? [grunts]

(He throws them at Cinderblock with two landing on his chest and one slices off his left hand before Mutant Alligator runs up and breaks Cinderblock's right hand with metal pipes)

Mutant Alligator: Dude!

(Raven then turns her right arm into a sword and attacks Cinderblock's face)

Raven: (mutated) Yah!

(The Mutant Rat and Alligator punches Cinderblock's cheeks before Raven creates a big mace using her dark magic to knock him out to space)

(Scene cuts back to the Titan's Tower)

Beast Boy: I think we all learned a valuable lesson today. If you flush a friend down the toilet, they will come back horribly mutated and save your butt from Cinderblock.

Starfire: Thank you for saving us, Raven.

Raven: No problem. My new bros are gonna hang, if that's cool.

Mutant Rat: (holding lots of food) Sup?

Mutant Alligator: Hey dudes.

(Episode ends...)

See also[]
