The Titans discover the wonder of reading, but after opening a magical book that brings their thoughts to life, they are forced to fight against their own imaginations!
Robin, Cyborg, Starfire, and Beast Boy are sitting around the couch bored, as the four express their boredom. This annoys Raven, who is trying to read,
and suggests the other Titans try it out as well as it will invoke their imagination. They don't know what reading is, so she explains it to them. After a long, awkward silence, the other Titans eventually decide to try it out.
The Titans are immediately entranced by reading and the imagination it invokes in them. Beast Boy enjoys The Return of the Invisible Man, Cyborg is captivated by The Adventures of Pinocchio,
Robin is fascinated by The Biography of Benjamin Franklin, and Starfire loves her Birdwatchers Guide to Pelicans. They admit that Raven was right about reading and want more. Raven suggests starting a book club, and the Titans are enthusiastic about it. Robin, Cyborg, Starfire, and Beast Boy all share their feelings about the books they've read, but Raven suggests they go deeper than that, which she does. This makes the other Titans freak out, saying that Raven is making reading boring. They want more books, but Raven suggests reading each other's books, which Cyborg finds disgusting.
The other four Titans decide to find more books themselves. They go all around the Tower, looking in the fridge, looking under the couch, and looking behind picture frames (one of which houses Batman). Starfire eventually discovers a book. However, it's a comic book, and the Titans don't want to read it because it has pictures, which don't invoke imagination.
Eventually, they head outside the Tower and dig. Beast Boy discovers
a chest that has what appears to be a very special book. They show it to Raven, but she warns them not to read it because it invokes imagination too much in a very bad way. They ignore her warning and read it anyway. Their respective imagination bring out the dangerous versions of characters they were reading about previously. Raven says that the only way to get rid of the characters is to "turn off their imaginations."
The Titans can't do this, so they resort to doing the book club again to make reading boring. They analyze their books, and the characters go back into the special book. Raven hopes that this experience won't turn them away from reading and the five Titans
just stare at each other awkwardly, while the melody of "Oyfn Pripetshik" (an old Yiddish song about learning how to read) plays in the background until the episode just randomly ends.
Birdarang, one of Robin and Cyborg's special Power Moves, is first featured in this episode, although his origins of being created are in the aforementioned episode. This also marks his first use of his catchphrase, "What's up, fellas?"
When Cyborg opens the wall, one of Raven's magical eyeballs goes by, mirroring the way it did in "La Larva de Amor." He even references this, saying that he's feeling the strangest sense of "Deja Vu".
This is the second time Beast Boy reaches inside Silkie to retrieve an item. ("Hey Pizza!")
Cyborg's book is the classic book: The Adventures of Pinocchio.
Though Pinocchio attacking Cyborg is similar to the horror film, Pinocchio's Revenge.
Beast Boy's book is The Return of the Invisible Man.
Robin's book is about Benjamin Franklin, while Starfire's book is a non-fiction about pelicans.
When Starfire finds a comic book, the pictures of the Titans are the same as they are in the New Teen Titans comic series, which debuted Starfire, Cyborg, and Beast Boy.
If one looks at Beast Boy's clothing in his comic book appearance, one can see he's wearing his Changeling outfit.
Batman went missing, according to the milk carton in the Titans' fridge, but he's actually hiding behind his own portrait in the Tower.
At the start of the episode, the book Raven is reading has a picture of Doctor Fate on the cover.
The book that Raven buried is the same book she buried in the episode "Spellbound" from the original Teen Titans series.
Beast Boy references Cartoon Network's "We Needs Day" when he says "We needs new books to read."
Running Gags[]
Robin, Starfire, Beast Boy and Cyborg being obsessed with reading.
Raven being accused of taking the fun out of reading.
The Titans (except Raven) trying to find new books to read.