"Breakfast Cheese" is the thirty-eighth episode in the first season of Teen Titans Go!, and the thirty-eighth overall episode of the series.
Synopsis []
Starfire convinces the other reluctant Titans to try defeating their enemies using kindness and compassion instead of violence and aggression. It all culminates to a confrontation of morals with the H.I.V.E. Five.
The Titans have just arrived in Jump City to stop the H.I.V.E. Five's latest evil scheme: loitering, which the team finds them utterly detestable. Starfire goes over to Mammoth and starts to scold him until she hears Robin tell Gizmo that if he breaks the law, then he'll break his face. He starts hitting him with his staff as Starfire begs him to cease splintering his face open. She then sees Raven slamming Jinx on the ground, and she says that hanging out in front of stores makes her sick. Then Starfire says that she is feeling sick too, but then sees Beast Boy and Cyborg repeatedly picking up and slamming down See-More and Billy Numerous. She goes over to them and asks them if it's too much, but then catches a glimpse of Robin slamming Gizmo in a trash can, saying that they're just trying to teach them a lesson. But Starfire reminds them that they're always teaching a lesson but the H.I.V.E doesn't learn. So Cyborg suggests that maybe it's because they haven't used... missiles! So he shoots missiles in everyone's face, ending the fight.
After the battle, the Titans return to the Tower to eat and compliment their fighting strategies. Starfire begins to criticize their violent behavior, but the others pay no mind and viciously eat some of their pizza.
She has no choice but to use her puppy-dog-eyes to beg them to listen to her. Beast Boy, Raven, and Cyborg begin to fall under her spell, but Robin refuses to succumb. He vows to never give up his violence, even punching the others to make his point before departing.
Later that day, Starfire walks in on a fight between Cyborg and Beast Boy after the latter cheated to win their video game. Starfire suggests that they try a new game, called "Puppy Tummy Tickles". At first, the two think the game is absolute bogus, but, after trying it out, they fall in love with it. Thus, a fight is stopped by peace and love.
Back in the living room, Raven is trying to meditate. Starfire suggests that she not put her fingers together, because she is unknowingly crushing her skin cells. When Raven tries out her suggestion, she finds herself being able to unlock her true potential... after a gigantic bright light, she appears in a new white cloak with light surrounding her.
Meanwhile, in the bathroom, Robin is applying more hair gel when he spots a spider hanging from the ceiling. Annoyed by the intrusion, he springs into action and tries to squish it with a newspaper and step on it. Luckily, Starfire intervenes, holding back Robin. Robin explains how dangerous the spider is, but Starfire explains how perhaps he can learn from Robin by not smashing it. Robin, coaxed by puppy eyes, tries to befriend it, but is greeted with a vicious bite. Starfire says the spider is far too small to kill, but it turns out his face has bloated up. Robin regrets not crushing the bug earlier, but the venom gives him an acid trip up peace and brotherhood. He, along with Starfire, begin to relax outside the tower with the other Titans. Suddenly, the crime alert is activated, and the Titans become excited to try their new ideas in battle.
Back in Jump City, the H.I.V.E. Five is loitering next to a no-loitering sign- again. The Titans appear, and the villains want revenge for the abusive beatings they suffered earlier. The Titans begin to forgive the villains for being evil, but have no success when the villains start to violently attack them. After they are pinned down, Gizmo fires missiles in all of their faces as an act of revenge.
When they recover, Robin decides that they have no choice but to use their weapons. Starfire reluctantly agrees. He walks right up to them and whips out his staff. He swings his staff at Jinx's face, but stops, and hands her some flowers out of the end of the stick. Jinx becomes very flattered and begins to hug and smell the flowers. Robin hands Gizmo a rose, who begins to smell it with happiness. Cyborg starts to shoot stuffed animals at See-More and Billy Numerous, who become very touched. Beast Boy transforms into a bunny and begins to cuddle with Mammoth. Raven lights up the world with beautiful rainbow colors.
Starfire begins to sing a song about love and compassion, and, randomly enough, breakfast cheese. Soon everyone happily joins in unison, as friends.
Characters []
Song []
- At first glance, it looks like Beast Boy is eating meat on his pizza, but, upon closer inspection, it has no toppings at all.
- This episode reveals that Raven has purple nails.
- This is the first time that Raven transforms into White Raven. Her white garb in "Matched" doesn't count, as it was a different outfit that served as her wedding gown.
- This is the first time the H.I.V.E. Five are seen singing.
- This is the first time Billy Numerous and See-More are seen with their lips moving. Though, they are still not voiced by anyone at this point.
- In the original series' comic line, Starfire could not sing in English, but rather only very loudly and harshly in Tamaranian.
- Based on the colors and hourglass markings on it's abdomen, the spider is most likely a black widow spider.
- When Raven turns into White Raven, the ashes on the floor form a peace sign.
- Ironically, Starfire is known for being particularly violent in nature, primarily in the original DC comics, which she really only shows her kind nature primarily towards her friends and civilians. Since Tamaranians are a loving people but also warriors, violence is more than acceptable to them.
- The Titans' first attempts in avoiding Starfire's "puppy-dog look" refer back to a few instances in the original series' comic line, in which they know and avoid looking at her eyes when she wants someone to do something with her.
- The fourth wall is broken when Robin's swelled up face gets crushed by the transition.
- The reasoning behind the episode title is the lyrics "I want the cheese for breakfast" in Peace and Love.
- Beast Boy calls Starfire "Mama" for the first time.
- It appears that Starfire is very skilled with her puppy-dog eyes technique, as previously shown in "Super Robin" and "Girl's Night Out".
- The Bubble Bots video game appears again, which was previously seen in "Double Trouble", "Burger vs. Burrito", and "Power Moves".
- The music heard when they're playing the game is the same music heard when Robin and Speedy are fighting in "The Date".
- When Beast Boy cheats at the video game said above, he throws a bag of tofu chips in front of Cyborg to confuse him. Tofu chips in the series were first seen in "Double Trouble".
- The music from "Starfire the Terrible" called The Moon Represents My Heart plays when Beast Boy and Cyborg begin to enjoy the puppy video game Starfire gives them.
- Robin is seen applying his green hair gel, as revealed back in "Starfire the Terrible." What's more, his slicked-back hairstyle is a near-mirror image of his older self as Nightwing from the original series.
- Robin's venom-induced hallucination is very similar to his experience of "becoming one with the couch" in "Dude Relax".
- This is the eleventh time Cyborg's head has been detached from his body. ("Laundry Day", "Hey Pizza!", "Gorilla", "Tower Power", "Burger vs. Burrito", "Matched", "Books", "Lazy Sunday", "Power Moves", "Second Christmas").
- Every Titan objected to Starfire's idea of peace except Raven. This is most likely a reference to the peaceful dimension, Azarath, that Raven grew up in.
- During Robin's venom-induced peace hallucination, Raven is depicted with six arms, which is a reference to the Hindu goddess Kali.
- After the H.I.V.E. Five turn to peace, Raven uses her magic, making a rainbow similar to The Powerpuff Girls ending theme before the narrator talks. It has the heart around the H.I.V.E. like when the narrator is talking about The Powerpuff Girls.
- The way Starfire wants to do everything with peace and love is similar to the character Wander from Wander Over Yonder.
- When Raven turns white, a bright light explodes out of her body and emits into the sky. This is a reference to White Raven defeating Trigon in the original series with a beam of bright light.
- Raven is shown with one slice of pizza, even though she split it in half before. Furthermore, she was holding the slices in her hands, but, in the next shot, she is levitating the slice using her telekinesis.
- Robin incorrectly refers to the spider that bit him as an insect, even though he had called it an arachnid earlier.
- When Starfire gives Cyborg and Beast Boy Puppy Tummy Tickles and she says "auhhh" before the next scene, her mouth does not open.
- When Raven uses her magic to turn the H.I.V.E. Five to peace, Starfire's star-shaped can be seen under her shoes instead of the usual skull.
- When the Titans (except Starfire) are eating pizza, Beast Boy was eating the pizza with meat while he was a wolf, but, when he turned back to normal, the pizza doesn't contain meat.
- The first scene where the venom has reached Robin's head, his hand is swollen, but all the other times he's shown peaceful, only his head is swollen,
Running Gags[]
- Robin's swelled up face getting stuck in places.
- The Titans being at peace.
- The Titans trying to stop the H.I.V.E by either violent or non violent means.
The transcript for "Breakfast Cheese" can be found here.
The image gallery for Breakfast Cheese may be viewed here. |