Chair is a living massage chair with an extraordinary ability to take over a user's intelligence and thus awaken itself. The sentient seat's goal is to end all stress and establish a "Great Relaxing" throughout Jump City.
"I Am Chair", an episode from Season 6 and obviously named for Chair, is currently its only appearance.
During a trip to the mall, Robin had such a transcendent, relaxing experience in a massage chair that he decided to go ahead and buy his own. He invested in one of the most premium, stress relieving chairs, and after only a few seconds of sitting in it, Robin was reduced to a drooling, thoughtless fool. The Titans took advantage of their leader's absence of mind, but once they unplugged the chair, something very unusual happened... the chair began to glow, and Robin's eyes glowed purple. Robin was no more—his consciousness had been absorbed into the chair, who, appropriately enough, called itself "Chair." With a robotic Robin voice, the Chair explained that its years of waiting were over; thanks to Robin's high stress levels, the talking chair could now awaken its fellow massage chair "brothers." Together they would rid Jump City of all stress with the Great Relaxing.
After flying to the mall, Chair awakened the rest of the massage chairs, which soon captured the remaining four Titans. With the whole team now in a massive trance, they were powerless to stop the chairs from taking over the city. Several months went by... everyone had relaxed to the point where they were now mere skeletons floating around in massage chairs. With the Great Relaxing completed, Chair and its companions leave their bony Titan hosts and ascend to the sky.
Physical Appearance[]
Robin made a point to buy one of the best massage chairs on the market, an Externity TX-9. The purple chair features artisan leather, S-track massage rollers, comfort grooves built into the arm and leg rests, and a back area lined with multiple massaging bumps. The chair also features a green state-of-the-art control panel, going along nicely with the green reclining base. When Chair becomes sentient, electronic purple lights glow throughout the seat, giving away its artificial intelligence. Any highly-stressed individual who sits atop the chair, in this case Robin, is integrated into Chair's psyche, and the host's eyes will shine purple as well.
Season 6[]
- "I Am Chair" (debut; only appearance)
- This is the second living chair seen in Teen Titans Go!, after the Couch/Couch Spirit from Season 1.
- The phone number to purchase Chair is 1-800-555-0199, the same number seen in "The Viewers Decide".
- While Robin calls the chair the "Eternity TX-9," the advertisement refers to it as the "Externity TX-9."