Teen Titans Go! Wiki
Teen Titans Go! Wiki

Demon's Tongue Mountain is a dangerous mountain located in Jump City that first appeared in "Rad Dudes with Bad Tudes". 


After Robin decided to prove how "rad" he is compared to his competition, he challenged them to a rollerblading race on Demon's Tongue Mountain, which is very dangerous. Feeling confident, Chip and Randy agree to Robin's challenge. Shortly until the race's end and, near the finish line, Chip was having problems with the wheels on his roller blades. Robin offers to help him and lends him a hand. Just as Chip was about to take his hand, Robin laughs and pulls his hand away causing Chip to lose total control and falls off Demon's Tongue Mountain, sending him and Randy to the hospital.


Episode Appearances[]

Season 3[]


  • TBA


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The image gallery for Demon's Tongue Mountain may be viewed here.
Teen Titans Go! Locations
Locations located in Jump City Boots by RobinChemical BearCity HallDemon's Tongue MountainFood BearGame BearHat ShoppeH.I.V.E. TowerJump CityJump City BankJump City BeachJump City Candy FactoryJoker's GelatoJump City Cinemas 12Jump City High SchoolJump City SuburbJump City ZooJump City Juvenile Correction FacilityLe Chez RomantiqueMega Meaty MeatMother Mae-Eye's PieSenior CenterStarfire's IndustriesSuperhero Summer CampThe Brain's HeadquartersThe Brain's HouseThe CaveTitans TowerTooth Fairy's LairWhack-A-DoodlesYum Yum Kitty DinerZippy's Pizza
Locations located outside Jump City Arkham AsylumBamboo Titans TowerCodsvilleDairy King's LairDemon's Tongue MountainFarmGotham CityGut GushersJustice JavaLegasus HeadquartersMount Bro-suviusNorth PolePuppet Wizard's CastleS.T.A.R. LabsThe BatcaveTop Secret Government LaboratoryTriple P RanchWarner Bros. StudiosWayne Manor
Dimensions AzarathBaby LandBizarro WorldDance DimensionThe Dimension of the Night ShinesTrash Hole
Planets and Locations in Outer Space ApokolipsEarthKryptonLilap SystemTamaran

Locations in Dimensions and Planets

Azarath Public LibraryGalactic PrisonPalace of TamaranRock of Eternity