Teen Titans Go! Wiki
Teen Titans Go! Wiki
Teen Titans Go! Wiki

Quote1 ROOOAAARRR!!! Quote2
--Doomsday's war cry.

Doomsday is an immensely destructive creature from the planet of Krypton. Only the strongest heroes can put up a defense against him—and even then, the beast's resurrection powers make him just about unbeatable.

In Teen Titans Go!, Doomsday battles with Hawkman in the Season 5 episode "The Great Disaster."


Long ago on the brutal planet of Krypton, an alien scientist named Bertron began an experiment to create an ultra-powerful life form.[1] His test subject was just an infant, who stood no chance of survival on Krypton. However, each time the baby died, Bertron resurrected him with a new adaptation to overcome the previous death. After thousands of deaths, the infant had now grown exceedingly deadly—and hateful of all life. When the beast became able to revive without Bertron's help, he killed the scientist and left Krypton. From then on he went from planet to planet with nothing but murder on his mind. The monster caught so many bodies that Justice League member Booster Gold called him "Doomsday."[2] Even Superman was killed by the Kryptonian creature.[3]

Somewhere during this career of dying, reviving, and slaughter, Doomsday encountered the Teen Titans in Jump City (as seen in "The Great Disaster"). The team was about to engage the monster, but Hawkman stepped up instead. After four days of harrowing hand-to-hand combat, the Justice League member eventually defeated him. For now.

Doomsday also appeared in the episode "Marv Wolfman and George Pérez", where the titular veteran comic artists came up with a story that involved him getting beaten up by Superman who was powered by his super organs.

Doomsday makes his odd speaking in the episode "Doomsday Preppers", where he speaks with a high-pitched child-like voice.

Physical Appearance[]

(2) Cartoon Network - Teen Titans Go! - The Great Disaster Promo (August 12, 2019) - YouTube - Google Chrome 8 8 2019 10 20 20 PM-min

He's here to bring the doom.

Years upon years of adaptation have transformed Doomsday into a formidable-looking beast. Spines extending from multiple portions of his body, offering intimidation and protection (even his eyebrows are spiky!). In addition, his highly built body shows that it's not just genetics; he's also got a good workout program. Doomsday wears tight-fitting green shorts held up with a green and gold buckle, as well as green boots. Blazing red eyes finish up the terrifying look.

Powers and Abilities[]

Physiological Abilities[]

The Great Disaster - YouTube - Mozilla Firefox 8 13 2019 8 23 11 PM-min

Despite taking a stoplight to the head, Doomsday is all good.

The Great Disaster - YouTube - Mozilla Firefox 8 13 2019 8 22 33 PM-min

Missed, but that building is wrecked.

  • Resurrection: Because Doomsday can keep coming back to life, he's pretty much unstoppable.
  • Adaptation: Also, each time Doomsday returns from the dead, it's with a new adaptation against the previous defeat.
  • Super Strength: Objects too heavy for humans to lift or too big to crush pose no problem for this monster.
  • Super Durability: While not un-damageable, Doomsday's very tough to wound.
  • Super Stamina: As Bumblebee mentioned in "The Great Disaster," Doomsday fought for four days before defeat.
  • Super Speed: Despite his hulking size, this beast has some great speed capabilities.
  • Healing: On the off chance that Doomsday is injured, he can heal himself up.
  • Venomous Claws: Razor sharp claws on the creature's fingers can inject venom.
  • Super Leaping: Although flight is barred from Doomsday, he can sill jump far. Better than nothing.
  • Enhanced Vision: The beast's blazing eyes have exceptional vision.
  • Self-Sustainment: Doomsday doesn't even need air, food, or water.


  • Hand-To-Hand Combat: While strength is his main ally, Doomsday also has a few moves to employ against his foes.


Season 5[]

Season 7[]



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The image gallery for Doomsday may be viewed here.


Teen Titans Go! Characters
Teen Titans RobinStarfireBeast BoyRavenCyborgSilkie
Titans East BumblebeeSpeedyAqualadMásMenosKid Flash
Doom Patrol

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DC Heroes

BatmanSupermanWonder WomanAquamanJohn StewartHal JordanTomar-ReKilowogThe FlashGreen ArrowHawkmanMartian ManhunterBatgirlVixenB'wana BeastBlack LightningSteelPlastic ManAqualad (Kaldur'ahm)Miss MartianSuperboyArtemisElongated ManVibeAtomKryptoAnimal ManBooster GoldBlue BeetleWonder GirlRed TornadoArsenalPrincess AmethystThe SpectrePower GirlBlack CanaryWildcatShazamDetective ChimpSwamp ThingMetamorphoDeadmanZatannaJonah HexChallengers of the Unknown

Other Heroes JaynaZanRaven's EmoticlonesSilkie's EmoticlonesStarfire's EmoticlonesCyborg's EmoticlonesBeast Boy's EmoticlonesRobin's EmoticlonesCommissioner GordonCarrie KellySilver Age RobinTim DrakeNiborGrobycErifratsNevarBoy BeastTeenage Mutant Ninja TurtlesSplinterWildebeestThe Powerpuff Girls
Villains SladeBrother BloodDoctor LightTrigonTerraBlackfireThe BrainKiller MothMother Mae-EyeMumbo JumboKittenCinderblockPlasmusMonsieur MallahMadame RougeControl FreakMad ModPunk RocketKatarouRose WilsonThe JokerDarkseidBaneHarley QuinnPoison IvyCatwomanTwo-FaceThe PenguinDoomsdayToy Master50% ChadFolding Paper ManBlack MantaRainbow RaiderSanta Claus
H.I.V.E. Five GizmoJinxMammothSee-MoreBilly Numerous
Minor Villains

Kyd WykkydPuppet WizardDeathKiller CrocRobot OverlordsTamaranian DronesMagic GodMockingbirdsEdCarlosBrain SoldiersStarfire's KnowledgeThe Perfect SandwichVegetorThugsKlatakHurt BotBelly BrosGeneral ThraxisThe RiddlerStorkThe ManBenjamin FranklinInvisible ManPelicansThe WhispererFather TimeNew Year BabyCrystal RobotsEvil Pig Master of Pig LatinArmy of PigletsMojo JojoMojo Jojo's Monkey ArmySanta ClausLarge OctopusDance DemonOld McDonaldBingoQueen of EnglandEvil DragonShareconomy RobotsHeavy Metal DemonBalloon ManSinestroClayfaceMr. FreezeScarecrow

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Alternate Identities NightwingLady LegasusRed XStoneSapphireRavineBeast BobGrandma VoiceBeast BabeScar ManThe JeffFleshy GuyBeast ManCaptain CankleThunder ThighsThe CalfIncredible QuadMega LegasusStarfire the TerribleDick GravestoneBeast MonsterDemon of AzarathThe CyborgThe Dastardly DandyThe Wild ManThe Grave MistakeThe Yeller
Minor Characters Sonia Conchita HernándezThe CouchGrim ReaperMagical DoublesSeagullCrabLizardSecond SantaDetective ChimpCouch SpiritTreadmill SpiritGeorge WashingtonUnnamed CitizenPizza DelivererPizza Delivery BoyGayleSeniorsPolice Officer #1Police Officer #2Robin's SonLittle GirlRobin's FangirlsLady Legasus FangirlMother NatureCyborg's GrandchildrenJohnRobin's Parasitic TwinThe RatsMaster of WhistlesSticky JoePeter PanPinocchioWaiterSparklefaceButterbeanGrizzly BearPuppet TigerTVBlack CatTooth FairyDairy KingBlossomBubblesButtercupMojo Jojo's GuardsRed DragonPirate GhostOctopusThe FishSticky JoanTwo O' ClockDaylightCeeLo GreenFall Out BoyB.E.R.SweetAlfred PennyworthCloudJade Wilson
Monsters Sandwich GuardiansCironielian Chrysalis EaterDemon OctopusGiant Mutant OctopusSlime MonsterBarbecue Sauce MonsterGiant Robotic AlienBurrito MonsterBurger RobotScary TeriTwin Destroyers of AzarathGumdrop GoblinHalloween SpiritVirusDoor RobinSphinx StarfireCyborg Chess PiecesBeast Boy Chess PiecesGridnock the Skull CrusherKing GoalBooger MonsterSoccer TrollsBoss MummyMummy HenchmenThe Freak
Organizations Teen TitansTitans EastThe Wonder TwinsH.I.V.E. FiveThe Brotherhood of EvilTeam RobinBizzaro TitansYoung JusticeLeague of LegsJustice LeagueThe Powerpuff Girls