Teen Titans Go! Wiki
Teen Titans Go! Wiki

For the Season 3 episode, see The Fourth Wall


All The Times They Break The Fourth Wall 💥 - Teen Titans Go! - Cartoon Network

Breaking the Fourth Wall is a comedic device used in fictional stories in which a character realizes they're in a TV show, book, or movie. It is broken several times in Teen Titans Go!. Some ways to break the fourth wall are by characters talking to the audience, characters noticing a censor bar, etc.

Season 1[]

The Date[]


  • After Starfire accidentally hits Beast Boy on the head with a watering can, Beast Boy is seen looking at the camera with a confused look. He also looks deviously at the camera once he realizes he can trick Starfire to believe she killed him.

La Larva de Amor[]


  • Beast Boy gives a smug look at the camera as he picks up Robin by the cape.

Super Robin[]

  • When Robin notices no changes to his appearance after switching DNAs with the robin, he looks at the camera and shrugs.


  • Starfire winking at the camera in the end.


  • When Terra asks Beast Boy to get her camera to capture their first kiss, Beast Boy winks and gives a thumbs up at the camera.


  • Raven says "EVER," and the word appears and crushes Beast Boy.
  • Beast Boy and Raven's wedding lasts 11 seconds, which references the fact that each episode lasts about 11 minutes.

Colors of Raven[]

  • When Red Raven was yelling at the other Titans, Orange Raven looks at the screen and burps
  • Starfire gives a speech at the end directly at the viewers.

The Left Leg[]

Staring at the Future[]

  • The Titans noticing and interacting with the word "Responsibility," floating above their heads.

No Power[]

  • Robin shoving the word "Bra," back into Beast Boy's mouth and him spitting it out again.


  • Robin shrugging at the camera when he heard Raven singing in the shower.

Breakfast Cheese[]

  • Robin's swelled face getting crushed by the “GO!” transition.

Uncle Jokes[]

  • Beast Boy telling Starfire to "try this again," and rewinding the scene.

Real Magic[]

  • Mumbo whispers to the viewer to watch him "disappear".

Puppets, Whaaaaat?[]

  • The Titans "puppet selves," being live action and a human hand being seen controlling them.

Season 2[]

Mr. Butt[]

  • Blackfire pulls over a large censor bar to cover up Starfire's nudity as she changes her clothes.


  • Robin throwing dirt at the camera.
  • Brain points at the letters and spells it correctly

Salty Codgers[]

  • Elder Starfire asks Raven where grandchildren come from. Raven says that nobody knows as she and Starfire slowly look at the camera.


  • When Beast Boy yawns, he shoved the word "Yawn" back in his mouth; the same thing happens to Raven. When Robin yawns, he punches the word "Yawn."
  • When Robin falls asleep, the word "Yawn" presses the button to keep him in a tube.
  • Cyborg shoots the speech bubbles of the facts Starfire states.
  • Starfire's Knowledge stating facts cauing the Titans attacks to go astray.


  • Cyborg saying it was around "six-ish," which is when the episode aired.

The Mask[]

  • Robin says he removed his mask for the original Teen Titans show a clip from the original show.

Body Adventure[]

  • Cyborg sneezes the Crab at the screen.

Let's Get Serious[]

Rocks and Water[]

  • Cyborg points to the word "Third Wheel," above.

The HIVE Five (episode)[]

  • Gizmo is briefly seen glaring at the screen while Beast Boy prank-calls him.
  • Starfire winks at the camera while flying away with the cat.

The Return of Slade[]

  • After the Titans' battle against Slade, they talked about how the storylines came together, the battle containing action, drama, and comedy, and stating that the audience couldn't see it because it was too awesome.

Season 3[]

Leg Day[]

  • A Crystal Robot shoots a laser at the screen after the Titans are defeated.

The Fourth Wall[]

  • This episode mainly focuses on the fourth wall.
    • Control Freaks informs the Titans that they are in a TV show and will reboot them if they don't shape up.
    • The Titans calling the viewers creeps and perform various actions in front of the camera.
    • Control Freak shows the Titans some clips from the original series. The Titans binge-watch the entire series then complain about why they didn't have a sixth season and why it got cancelled.
    • The Titans try to improve their show by changing their humor, acting and animation to get less haters.
    • The Titans break through the screen at the end to foil Control Freak's plan.

Grube's Fairytales[]

  • In the Hansel and Gretel based story, Cyborg reaches for a cheese stick from the split screen.

Animals, It's Just a Word![]

Two Parter[]

  • In the beginning of the episode, Robin says that he has a feeling that it will be a special day and that it’ll take twice as long to resolve, referencing the fact that this episode is the first two-part episode of the series.

Garage Sale[]

  • While in the attic, the Titans mention the names and number of some of the episodes where their mementos originated from.
  • In the Titans' memories, there are doors leading to past episodes.
  • Cyborg pointing the "All Sales Are Final" sign.

How Bout Some Effort[]

  • Gizmo looks at the camera at the end.

Batman v Teen Titans: Dark Injustice[]

  • Raven mentioning Teen Titans Go!
  • Cyborg talks to the screen.
  • The Titans pulled a prank at the audience.

Bottle Episode[]

  • The entire episode alludes to the fact that it’s a bottle episode, with the Titans choosing to stay inside of the bottle (and thus inside of the tower) to save money on animation. They also spend the majority of the episode flashing back to previous episodes in order to fill time. The Titans occasionally look/talk at the camera when referencing this fact.

Finally a Lesson[]

  • Robin briefly smugs at the screen while acknowledging himself as the leader.
  • At the end of the episode, Robin gives a PSA to the viewers and suggests that they visit a library or talk to a local realtor about investing in rental property.

Wally T[]

  • Robin believes that Wally T. is a fan of Teen Titans Go! Robin asks Wally T. if he likes Teen Titans Go! or the original Teen Titans series and he chooses the original series, in which Robin sighs in disappointment. Cyborg says that he doesn't blame him for liking the original because in terms of animation and arts style, the original show is way better.
  • The Titans perform a focus test on Wally T. and shows him various moments from the series to see if they can get more fans.

Operation Dude Rescue[]

  • At the end of the first part, Raven, Starfire, Jinx, Terra and Ravanger agree to wait to save the guys in order to build suspense.
  • In the beginning of part 2, Raven criticized the recap for not making sense out of context. Raven then tells the rest of the girls their plan to break into The Brain’s lair. They say that they’ve already heard her plan two seconds ago and Raven says that it had felt longer.


  • Robin talking and telling the PPG Narrator to say what he is doing out loud.

The Titans Show[]

  • Robin breaks the fourth wall by stating that if the Titans were on a TV show, their experiences on a deserted island would be a week long event known as "Island Adventures".

Snuggle Time[]

  • A kitten's face getting squished by the transition.

Season 4[]

The Inner Beauty of a Cactus[]

  • Raven briefly breaks the fourth wall by looking at the screen in confusion when Starfire (who is speaking in Beast Boy's manner) says that her aura is tight.

Master Detective[]

  • Raven mentions how the animals on the rock change every 52 adventures, referencing the series' 52-episode-seasons.


  • Beast Boy breaks the fourth wall, by saying that Robin not speaking is the best day of his life, and shaking the camera.

The Self-Indulgent 200th Episode Spectacular![]

  • The Titans enter the real world through exiting the virtual they live in order to find a way to save Jump City.
  • Micheal and Aaron say that the only way they would make the 200th episode is if they could include themselves and their families but it would be too "Self-Indulgent" referencing the fact that they in their families are in the episode.


  • Robin tells the audience on how Cinderblock is going to terrorize the city.
  • The screen is broken when Starfire shouts "ATTACK! The goose!"

Costume Contest[]

  • While dressed as Mammoth, Cyborg mocks him, saying he “doesn’t really talk on the show”, referencing how he usually doesn’t get any lines in his appearances.

Season 5[]


  • Beast Boy expresses his agreement on Robin's statement of people can still pursue for a job in entertainment business even without talent while looking at the audience.
  • Raven also looks at the audience when she says she describes Helen Mirren as a sassy beard.

Tower Renovation[]

  • As the Titans are rebuilding the tower, Robin realizes that they’ll never be able to finish in one episode and tells the other Titans to whistle harder to speed up the process.

The Metric System vs Freedom[]

  • Robin breaks the fourth wall when he claims to Raven that he is not brainwashed by the scientists.

Them Soviet Boys[]

  • Cyborg suggests doing a montage to steam the broccoli in the beginning of the episode, as he and Beast Boy explains that it’s the best way to pass through time.
    • The Titans (except for Robin) decide to montage through their training to become martial arts masters, and then again to do their personal activities.
  • As the Titans fail to defeat Katarou, Robin suggests a dissolve instead of a montage to properly teach the Titans martial arts.

Forest Pirates[]

  • Robin breaks the fourth wall when he questions whether a cast requires adding a new addition as a means to keep a series interesting.
  • Raven also does the same by looking at the screen when she makes a rhetorical question on how her "Whatever" catchphrase can give people a laugh.

Had to Be There[]

  • Robin decides that it would be best to not mention any events prior to Bumblebee joining the Titans. He is then seen burning banners of Seasons 1-5 with a flamethrower.
  • The dates the Titans are travelling back to are the original air-dates of the episodes traveled to.

The Viewers Decide[]

  • Throughout the episode, the Titans suggest letting the viewers decide whether Bumblebee should stay with Titans West or Titans East, telling the viewers to call the number on the screen (which Bumblebee and and Titans East don’t notice). The first time this was brought up, Cyborg explains this concept to Bumblebee and the Titans East saying that whenever a character is about to leave the cast, TV shows would allow the viewers to call and determine if the character should stay or leave, and that is good for boosting up ratings.

Cartoon Feud[]

  • Cyborg breaks the fourth wall by mentioning Frank Welker, the famous veteran voice actor who has voiced Fred Jones and Scooby-Doo.

Season 6[]

Walk Away[]

  • Cyborg talks to the camera when he comments on Beast Boy's walking away.

Brain Flip[]

  • Robot Man breaks the wall by sticking himself onto the screen to ask the audience to give him a high-five.

Beast Boy on a Shelf[]

  • At the end of the episode, Beast Boy looks at the audience and gives them a smile.

Rain on Your Wedding Day[]

  • Cyborg looks at the audience when he interprets irony as "iron-knee".

Where Exactly on the Globe is Carl Sanpedro? - Part 1[]

  • The Titans and Berto break the fourth wall when they wink at the audience to visit San Pedro.

Where Exactly on the Globe is Carl Sanpedro? - Part 2[]

  • The Titans notice the time they have remaining on the screen.

Where Exactly on the Globe is Carl Sanpedro? - Part 3[]

  • Raven briefly looks at the audience after she bumps onto a tree in the botanic garden.

Where Exactly on the Globe is Carl Sanpedro? - Part 4[]

  • Cyborg, Beast Boy and the girls look at the audience after they successfully make Robin submit to their request of going to Dubrovnik.

TV Knight 6[]

  • Raven talks directly to the audience on how to paint.
  • Batman and Commissioner Gordon look at the audience, laugh and switch off the screen with a remote at the end of the episode.

Toddler Titans…Yay![]

  • The Titans constantly talk to the audience to get out of "Toddler Titans YAY!" multiple times throughout the episode.


  • At first, Freakazoid refuses to help the Titans because his show's creator, Steven Spielberg, doesn’t do crossovers. It was only when Robin tells him that Spielberg says it was fine where he decides to help them.
  • Joe Leahy, the narrator of the Freakazoid show shows up and promises to stay out of the way of the plot and stay off-screen.
  • Freakazoid tells Robin that there’s no need to stick with the plot just as long as they have comedy. Robin dismisses his idea, saying that their show is far more sophisticated than his. Beast Boy agrees, only to hypocritically offer the other Titans to a tooting contest.

Cool Uncles[]

  • Raven looks at the audience with a shadow thumbs-up at the end of the episode.

Butter Wall[]

  • Cyborg tells the audience that he finds Mr. Breakfast scrumptious.

Villains in a Van Getting Gelato[]

  • The Brain says that the Titans’ dialogue sounds like it’s written by middle-aged men, referring to the writers of the show.

Hafo Safo[]

  • Safo and Foot Doctor shrug at the audience.


  • The Titans try to decide on the font used for the “THE END” backdrop at the end of the episode.

Season 7[]

Pig in a Poke[]

  • The Titans teach the young audience about being aware of scams.

A Little Help Please[]

  • The whole episode has the fourth wall broken, by having the Titans receive messages from the animators and also getting offscreen to destroy the Aggressive Schedule.

Space House - Part 2[]

  • The other Titans and Superhero Girls break the fourth wall when they think if they go with Robin, Wonder Woman, Jessica, Zatanna and Beast Boy, it'll be way too overkill and it'll way too many characters to keep track of.

Creative Geniuses[]

  • Beast Boy mentions that Marv Wolfman and George Pérez are the creators of Cyborg, Starfire and Raven, but Raven doubts it.
  • While at the comic book con, The Titans run into a Teen Titans Go! panel, where they meet their voice actors.
  • Khary Payton mentions that the episode "Waffles" was inspired by the cast eating breakfast.
  • Robin asks Scott Menville if he and Starfire with end up together in the upcoming season, while Scott says that he isn't allowed to give any spoilers.

Polly Ethylene and Tara Phthalate[]

  • At the beginning of the episode, when Starfire finds bottle caps while swimming in the water, one of the caps has the current DC Comics logo on them.
  • When Polly Ethylene and Tara Phthalate morph into a plastic case that contains the Titans, the package has the show's logo on it, thus breaking the fourth wall.
  • Cyborg breaks the fourth wall when he says that he and the other Titans are considered garbage ever since the series came out.


  • Starfire breaks the screen while flying due to not having knees anymore.

Batman's Birthday Gift[]

  • Robin narrates and pauses the beginning scene, and at the end, he tells the viewers that they're not Batman's pal and rubbing his face over the screen.


  • The entire episode indirectly breaks the fourth wall by lampooning on the real-life broadcasting S&P departments for inclining towards soccer parents.


  • Raven looks at the audience to show off her fork-fingers as Edward Scissorhands when stealing snacks.

We'll Be Right Back[]

  • This whole episode continuously breaks the fourth wall, by having the characters say "We'll Be Right Back!" and Control Freak narrating and presenting the commercials.

Natural Gas[]

  • Cyborg breaks the fourth wall during the flashback montage when he was cooking and opening the fridge simultaneously.

The Score[]

  • The Titans mentioned their storyboard artists.
  • The Telepix machine, which is the real life appliance for generating soundtracks for the series, is brought up by Ludwig.
  • At the end of the episode, Robin gets blown away by one of Ludwig's bass instruments, and the glass shatters afterwards as he gets blown out of the screen.


  • The Titans address that this episode is the 365th, meaning that the series has aired an episode for each month/day in a span of a whole year.
  • The Teen Titans Go! Crew and their aggressive real-life production on the series are mentioned and referenced in the episode.
  • Zack Snyder tells the Titans that the episode is over directly to the viewers.

Season 8[]

Toilet Water[]

  • A backdrop says no dogs other than Beast Boy was hurt in the making of this episode, while Superman is angrily chasing Beast Boy for spoiling Krypto and being irresponsible.
  • Robin and Krypto gives a PSA to the viewers in the end, and the subsequent scene proceeds showing the other Titans getting hurt by rowdy pets.


  • A pigeon crashes into the screen during the end of the episode.


  • After the show's intro plays, the intro starts again, which the Titans pause and take note of. As the intro continues, Control Freak is seen dancing along with the Titans, and they leave their intro to chase him. The remainder of the episode has the Titans chase Control Freak through various intro sequences, and later when the Titans replace their 2003 counterparts.


  • Raven breaks the fourth wall near the end of the episode, by telling how she thinks this episode has a happy ending.


  • The fourth wall is broken with all the Loonatics Unleashed references and Raven talking to the audience near the end of the episode.


Teen Titans Go! to the Movies[]

  • As Slade breaks into S.T.A.R. Labs, he says that the Justice League won’t stop him because they’re watching a movie and would’ve had their mobile devices turned off. He then says “Unlike some people”, addressing the viewers.
  • As Slade approaches the crystal, he describes it as “the perfect plot device”.
  • Cyborg points to the screen when he tells Slade to look toward the screen and tells him to say something inappropriate to the viewers.
  • Stan Lee grabs the camera and introduces himself to the viewers, until one of the directors tell him that he's accidentally in a DC movie and leaves.
    • Stan Lee returns later in the movie claiming that he doesn’t care that he’s in a DC movie and he just loves making cameos.
  • Slade tells the Titans that they can’t defeat his giant robot and they are wasting everyone’s time. Since the Titans and Slade are the only ones present, it’s possible that “everyone” is referring to the audience.
  • At the end of the movie, after Robin makes his speech, the credits start to roll as the heroes are cheering him on. However, the credits roll back as Robin proceeds to try and add on to his speech. Everyone but Robin then demands for the end credits to play. Robin attempts to prevent the end credits by using his grappling hook to clutch onto the screen, causing it to crack. He then tells the kids in the audience to “Ask their parents where babies come from.”

Teen Titans Go! vs Teen Titans[]

  • During the song We Are Titans, The 2013 Teen Titans and the 2003 Teen Titans compare each other’s shows.
  • 2003 Raven tells Go! Raven that she needs to devour her. When Go! Raven asks 2003 Raven why she can’t eat her, she tells her that “her mouth can’t animate that big.”


  • All of the Titans have broken the Fourth Wall more than three times:
    • Robin breaks the Fourth Wall the most in the series.
    • Beast Boy breaks the Fourth Wall the second most in the series
    • Starfire breaks the Fourth Wall the third most in the series
    • Cyborg breaks the Fourth Wall fourth most in the series
    • Raven breaks the Fourth Wall fifth most in the series