Jump City High School is a school located in Jump City. Its first and, so far, only appearance is in "Hey You, Don't Forget about Me in Your Memory". The Titans (mainly Robin) decide to attend to high school so they can pick up on their unique identities.
After Robin announced that summer was over, he forced all of the Teen Titans to start going to Jump City High School, so as they could figure out what their one-of-a-kind identities were (even though Robin basically assigned them all a role by himself). The high school admits the Titans in, but it's even five minutes before the Principal punishes them all with detention at the library because Robin crane kicked Beast Boy. Robin keeps attacking people, and when he figures out he failed to achieve the valedictorian status, he goes on a crane-kicking rampage. Jump City High School soon after expelled the Titans for being overly violent, so Robin writes the Principal a letter to clear up his actions.

Robin (unfortunately naked) in the halls of Jump City High School.
The basic structure of the high school is a cubical centre building with a large arched doorway. The name of the school district is posted in large letters of the entrance. The walls are made entirely of red brick, and the outside ingress is dimly purple with two doorways. Flanking the centre building are longer adjacent structures that are two stories tall (a little shorter than the main middle section). Two rows of windows offer plenty of vision. Additionally, a couple more buildings can be seen in the back. Descending from the entrance is a staircase that ends up going straightforward and out to the sides. Its also composed of red brick. A flag pole with the U.S. flag is directly in the centre. Near the front lawn of the campus on the branching out sidewalk is a dull purple statue honoring Superman.
The inner hallways are lined with blue lockers, with an orange stripe design going down the wall. Directly in the hall is the Principal's office, which has a basic blue door with the word "PRINCIPAL" across the window. An announcement board also is also posted on one of the walls, which shows various papers and flyers. Robin at one point has also set up a platform to rally the students within the hall.
The library has six basic wooden desks (chairs included), with the walls lined with numerous amounts of books. Directly above them is a clock and panels of windows.
- Barbara Gordon/Batgirl
- Jamie Meyes/Blue Beetle
- Genetic Jump City Teenagers
- Richard "Dick" Grayson/Robin (formerly)
- Koriand'r/Starfire (formerly)
- Rachel Roth/Raven (formerly)
- Garfield Mark Logan/Beast Boy (formerly)
- Victor Stone/Cyborg (formerly)
- Inner Hallways-The Inner Hallways are lined with blue lockers, with an orange stripe going down the wall.
- Principal's office-Directly in the hall is the Principal's office, which has a basic blue door with the word "PRINCIPAL" on the window.
- Library-The library has six basic wooden desks (with chairs), with the walls lined with numerous amounts of books. Directly abo them is a clock and panels of window.