Teen Titans Go! Wiki
Teen Titans Go! Wiki
Teen Titans Go! Wiki

Justice Java is a street corner cafe featured in Jump City. The store has Justice League members, Superman and Batman, as mascots.


In "Driver's Ed", with the belief that Robin was taking driver's ed, Beast Boy, Cyborg, Starfire, and Raven ate food at the cafe as the Demon briefly watched from afar. Cyborg, who had been interrupted during his memory download, berated Starfire as he could not remember her. Raven and Beast Boy soon spotted Robin across the street, parked in a car where they spotted his driving instructor, Ed robbing Diamonds A'Plenty. The four resolved to warn Robin and left Justice Java to pursue on the T-Car.

In "Gorilla", during a battle between Mammoth and the Teen Titans, it was revealed that Justice Java had shifted location from a street side cafe to a building sandwiched by two others.

In "You're Fired!", while Beast Boy and Cyborg ate at Burger Tower, the restaurant that replaced Justice Java, a note posted on the front doors announced the move of the street side cafe.

In "Staring at the Future", the Teen Titans combated the H.I.V.E. Five in front of the cafe.

In "Caged Tiger", while waiting for the male Titans to arrive, Doctor Light invited Raven and Starfire to lunch and the three ate at the cafe. Raven reached for the bill, but Doctor Light insisted on paying as he invited them. The female Titans noted the nice side of Doctor Light, and he suggested that they eat ice cream for dessert. Justice Java returned to its original location as announced by a note on the doors.

In "Opposites", during another battle with the H.I.V.E. Five, Cyborg confronted Jinx outside the establishment where she hexed him into crashing the ground. Due to his crush on the villainess, Cyborg attacked her with non-lethal weaponry much to Robin's chagrin as she succeeded in escaping. While he and Cyborg argued, the remaining members of the H.I.V.E. escaped as well.

In "Missing", after returning Silkie to Killer Moth for a reward, Beast Boy, Cyborg, and Robin sat outside Justice Java and attempted to figure out how to spend their finances. Through Beast Boy's urging, the three opted to spend their money like Scrooge McDuck would.

In "Más y Menos", Aas a result of Robin separating Más y Menos for a long period of time, the two ran nonstop around Jump City. Raven prepared to use her powers to trap them in front of the store, but the Guatemalan brothers easily ran past her before she could finish saying her incantation.

In "Salty Codgers", following a chase after Mad Mod in another dimension, the Titans and villain collapsed outside the store where a giant teacup and foot trapped Robin, Starfire, Beast Boy, and Cyborg.

In "The Viewers Decide", during Beast Boy's flashback on how the team's fighting efficiency has seemingly improved (thanks to Bumblebee being the pushover), he and Raven were seen "dating" (sitting outside at one of the tables) at the store while Bumblebee was brutally pummeled by Plasmus.

Teen Titans Go! Locations
Locations located in Jump City Boots by RobinChemical BearCity HallDemon's Tongue MountainFood BearGame BearHat ShoppeH.I.V.E. TowerJump CityJump City BankJump City BeachJump City Candy FactoryJoker's GelatoJump City Cinemas 12Jump City High SchoolJump City SuburbJump City ZooJump City Juvenile Correction FacilityLe Chez RomantiqueMega Meaty MeatMother Mae-Eye's PieSenior CenterStarfire's IndustriesSuperhero Summer CampThe Brain's HeadquartersThe Brain's HouseThe CaveTitans TowerTooth Fairy's LairWhack-A-DoodlesYum Yum Kitty DinerZippy's Pizza
Locations located outside Jump City Arkham AsylumBamboo Titans TowerCodsvilleDairy King's LairDemon's Tongue MountainFarmGotham CityGut GushersJustice JavaLegasus HeadquartersMount Bro-suviusNorth PolePuppet Wizard's CastleS.T.A.R. LabsThe BatcaveTop Secret Government LaboratoryTriple P RanchWarner Bros. StudiosWayne Manor
Dimensions AzarathBaby LandBizarro WorldDance DimensionThe Dimension of the Night ShinesTrash Hole
Planets and Locations in Outer Space ApokolipsEarthKryptonLilap SystemTamaran

Locations in Dimensions and Planets

Azarath Public LibraryGalactic PrisonPalace of TamaranRock of Eternity