Teen Titans Go! Wiki
Teen Titans Go! Wiki

Mother Mae-Eye's Pie is a pie shop owned by Mother Mae-Eye in Teen Titans Go!.


Mother Mae-Eye's Pie first appeared in "Pie Bros". It was where the Titans were eating. Later, Beast Boy gets a job there to earn enough money for Cyborg's birthday gift. Later, Starfire planned a birthday party there for Cyborg, but Cyborg is mad at the fact that Beast Boy still had to work there so they both argued with each other and eventually had a pie battle.

Later the other Titans discovered that Mother Mae-Eye baked people in her pies and she took Starfire, Robin andRaven in the back to be baked into pies as well. She baked small articles of their clothing and hair (particularly Starfire's hair) into pies and served them to Cyborg and Beast Boy, who did not notice anything strange about the pies. Starfire, Robin and Raven somehow managed to escape Mother Mae-Eye's hypnotic grasp and tie her up, and were annoyed with Beast Boy and Cyborg for not noticing the obvious or helping them out while they were confused.


  • It is unknown how this pie shop was able to stay in business in spite of putting humans inside pies, a blatant health violation and obviously illegal practice.
    • However, given Mother Mae-Eye's abilities, it is possible she just hypnotized the health inspectors and police into becoming her next "delicacies".


Teen Titans Go! Locations
Locations located in Jump City Boots by RobinChemical BearCity HallDemon's Tongue MountainFood BearGame BearHat ShoppeH.I.V.E. TowerJump CityJump City BankJump City BeachJump City Candy FactoryJoker's GelatoJump City Cinemas 12Jump City High SchoolJump City SuburbJump City ZooJump City Juvenile Correction FacilityLe Chez RomantiqueMega Meaty MeatMother Mae-Eye's PieSenior CenterStarfire's IndustriesSuperhero Summer CampThe Brain's HeadquartersThe Brain's HouseThe CaveTitans TowerTooth Fairy's LairWhack-A-DoodlesYum Yum Kitty DinerZippy's Pizza
Locations located outside Jump City Arkham AsylumBamboo Titans TowerCodsvilleDairy King's LairDemon's Tongue MountainFarmGotham CityGut GushersJustice JavaLegasus HeadquartersMount Bro-suviusNorth PolePuppet Wizard's CastleS.T.A.R. LabsThe BatcaveTop Secret Government LaboratoryTriple P RanchWarner Bros. StudiosWayne Manor
Dimensions AzarathBaby LandBizarro WorldDance DimensionThe Dimension of the Night ShinesTrash Hole
Planets and Locations in Outer Space ApokolipsEarthKryptonLilap SystemTamaran

Locations in Dimensions and Planets

Azarath Public LibraryGalactic PrisonPalace of TamaranRock of Eternity