Musclelor isn't just your average skin-and-bones skeleton. He's the brawn-and-biceps bad guy of Him-Guy and Overlords of the Macrocosm, a cartoon within the Teen Titans Go! cartoon.
Season 5's "I Used to Be a Peoples", Season 6's "TV Knight 5" and Season 8's "A Stickier Situation" mark his only appearances so far.
When Cyborg took some quality time for himself in "I Used to Be a Peoples", he started watching Him-Guy and Overlords of the Macrocosm. The episode seemed high stakes, with Musclelor about to take over the macro cosmos, but Cyborg feel asleep in just seconds.
While in a dream-state, Cyborg found himself in the role of Him-Guy... and directly up against the bulging, beefy Musclelor! The evil skull overlord could only cackle at Him-Guy's scrawny, so-weak body, which was nothing compared to his P44Z-toned gains. But Him-Guy was resolute; after many months of training, the hero reached levels that Musclelor thought only HE could attain. As Him-Guy pushed Musclelor off of a clifftop, the villain promised his return... The fall he took was pretty high though, so we'll see if that ever happens.
Physical Appearance[]
Musclelor has certainly earned his name—his purple body is extremely defined, especially in the upper-body region (that's not to say he's missed leg day, though). He likes to show off his great gains, so he goes easy on the clothing: nothing more than a pair of green boots, mathcing wrist cuffs, and a green and blue leather skirt. Musclelor's scarlet skull is even somewhat well-built, as far as skulls go. He's got a really square jawline (not as square as the Crimson Chin's, though).
Season 5[]
Season 6[]
Season 8[]
- Skeletor, the main antagonist of He-Man and the Masters of the Universe, is a heavy inspiration for the character of Musclelor. They share similar names, they're both skeletons, and they both have a very dreadful (and common) evil laugh.
- Musclelor also shares a bit of resemblance with these characters:
- His name is written "Muscleor" in the credits.