Teen Titans Go! Wiki
Teen Titans Go! Wiki

The Perfect Sandwich is a celestial snack created by Robin in Teen Titans Go!. Because of its absolute perfectness, he was able to evolve into an intelligent being, and seeks to destroy all non-sandwiches because of their "flawed" composition.

He is the primary subject and villain in the episode "Sandwich Thief".


After relentless training from ancient civilizations on sandwich theory, Robin was enlightened by a dream one night... the perfect sandwich compilation came to him. It was so sophisticated that science was needed for it. After meticulous experiments, the final, most perfect sandwich was created, and need only be chilled. Robin placed it inside a refrigerator, locked away in a max security room.

One day (unknown), a low-life sandwich stealer was able to breech the highly secured room, so as to get at the highly sought after sandwich. Robin was horrified. After multiple interrogations of the other Teen Titans, he came to the conclusion that only he could've taken it- perhaps his FUTURE self.

After a quick ransack of Nightwing's (he future hero alter ego), Robin was still empty handed. But unwilling to give up the search, he teleports to an alien world covered with thick forests of olive trees. While Raven is insulting his crazed logic, a deep grumbling from the ground came near by, and a magnificent temple, complete with mustard and ketchup pillars and stone bread slice sculptures, arose from the earthquake- the abode of the Perfect Sandwich. The almighty snack confirmed that it really was Nightwing who snatched him from Robin. His perfectness allowed him to develop into an advanced life form, smart enough to realize the laws of the universe- such as that all life forms are inferior to the sandwich race. The Titans realize the evil that lied in the sandwich, and sprung into action before he could kill them.

But the levitating sandwich easily thwarted them- Cyborgs laser charges were dodged, and met with a condiment blast that took him out. Beast Boy then tried to eat the sandwich in the form of a ferocious dinosaur, but was repelled, slammed into the temple, and crushed by rock bread. Starfire's Star Bolts were converted into a glowing green sandwich and shot back at her, and Raven's dark raven strike was effortlessly pinned down. It all came down to the creator... with a maniacal laugh, the Perfect Sandwich thought him as feeble as the other assailants; but Robin was learned from the masters. With a large bound, the Perfect Sandwich tried to smack him with pickles, but panicked when they were eaten. Robin's mouth enclosed the seemingly immortal sandwich, and with one gulp, was defeated.



Before enlightenment, an ordinary yet perfect sandwich.

When Robin first put together his Perfect Sandwich, it was not all that magical. The ingredients, assembled by a true sandwich prodigy, were: slices pink salami, 3 strips of medium-cooked bacon, about 4 slices of tomato, a couple of pickles, and a fair amount of lettuce, all compacted together between two white bread slices.

The arrangement of these foods is to hard to fully contemplate for us... so much that it was able to come to life with the fascinating combo of ingredients. The Perfect Sandwich sprouted a few white eyes, with a small mouth lined with visible cheek bones.

Powers and Abilities[]

The Perfect Sandwich is shown to have an assortment of attacks, all based on foods, notably for sandwiches. His only weakness is to be eaten by his creator which is Robin.

  • Ketchup Barrage- Used against Cyborg, the Perfect Sandwich summons huge bottles of mustard and ketchup, and bombards the opponent with condiment projectiles.
  • Speared Olives- Used against Raven, colossal olives on spears appear and rush towards the enemy and traps them on a surface.
  • Tamaranian Sandwich- Used against Starfire, her bolts were absorbed by sandwich components and then assembled and fired off towards Starfire.
  • Pickle Tossers- Used against Robin, two pickles shoot towards the foe at lightning speed. Ineffective against the sandwich's creator.
  • Telekinesis- Used when taken down all the Titans accept Beast Boy he used telekinesis in some forms
  • Levitation- It is shown the Perfect Sandwich can levitate.
  • Intelligence- The Perfect Sandwich is an intelligent life form because he is able to speak whilst being food.
  • Outer-Space Adaption- The Perfect Sandwich despite being a living creature was able to breathe in space.
  • Immortality- It seems as if the Perfect Sandwich (after being revived) gained immortality somehow.

Episode Appearances[]

Season 2[]

Season 3[]

Season 5[]


  • The foundations of Perfect Sandwich are from Korean, Chinese, Indian, and Japanese cultures from the old times. For example, a Buddha monk teaches Robin how to fold meat origami style.
  • It is not crystal clear whether the Perfect Sandwich is a girl or a boy- "it's" voice sounds more feminine (voiced by Tara Strong [Raven's voice actor]), but the evil laugh sounds masculine.


Teen Titans Go! Characters
Teen Titans RobinStarfireBeast BoyRavenCyborgSilkie
Titans East BumblebeeSpeedyAqualadMásMenosKid Flash
Doom Patrol

ChiefElasti-GirlRobot ManNegative Girl

DC Heroes

BatmanSupermanWonder WomanAquamanJohn StewartHal JordanTomar-ReKilowogThe FlashGreen ArrowHawkmanMartian ManhunterBatgirlVixenB'wana BeastBlack LightningSteelPlastic ManAqualad (Kaldur'ahm)Miss MartianSuperboyArtemisElongated ManVibeAtomKryptoAnimal ManBooster GoldBlue BeetleWonder GirlRed TornadoArsenalPrincess AmethystThe SpectrePower GirlBlack CanaryWildcatShazamDetective ChimpSwamp ThingMetamorphoDeadmanZatannaJonah HexChallengers of the Unknown

Other Heroes JaynaZanRaven's EmoticlonesSilkie's EmoticlonesStarfire's EmoticlonesCyborg's EmoticlonesBeast Boy's EmoticlonesRobin's EmoticlonesCommissioner GordonCarrie KellySilver Age RobinTim DrakeNiborGrobycErifratsNevarBoy BeastTeenage Mutant Ninja TurtlesSplinterWildebeestThe Powerpuff Girls
Villains SladeBrother BloodDoctor LightTrigonTerraBlackfireThe BrainKiller MothMother Mae-EyeMumbo JumboKittenCinderblockPlasmusMonsieur MallahMadame RougeControl FreakMad ModPunk RocketKatarouRose WilsonThe JokerDarkseidBaneHarley QuinnPoison IvyCatwomanTwo-FaceThe PenguinDoomsdayToy Master50% ChadFolding Paper ManBlack MantaRainbow RaiderSanta Claus
H.I.V.E. Five GizmoJinxMammothSee-MoreBilly Numerous
Minor Villains

Kyd WykkydPuppet WizardDeathKiller CrocRobot OverlordsTamaranian DronesMagic GodMockingbirdsEdCarlosBrain SoldiersStarfire's KnowledgeThe Perfect SandwichVegetorThugsKlatakHurt BotBelly BrosGeneral ThraxisThe RiddlerStorkThe ManBenjamin FranklinInvisible ManPelicansThe WhispererFather TimeNew Year BabyCrystal RobotsEvil Pig Master of Pig LatinArmy of PigletsMojo JojoMojo Jojo's Monkey ArmySanta ClausLarge OctopusDance DemonOld McDonaldBingoQueen of EnglandEvil DragonShareconomy RobotsHeavy Metal DemonBalloon ManSinestroClayfaceMr. FreezeScarecrow

Little Buddies Pain BotSuper RobinBirdarangBeat BoxDaveUniverse StaffDemon
Comics Only Mystery IncorporatedMyronCaptain ColdThe GordaniansPhobiaGeneral ImmortusBat-CowColossal BoyFun Gus
Alternate Identities NightwingLady LegasusRed XStoneSapphireRavineBeast BobGrandma VoiceBeast BabeScar ManThe JeffFleshy GuyBeast ManCaptain CankleThunder ThighsThe CalfIncredible QuadMega LegasusStarfire the TerribleDick GravestoneBeast MonsterDemon of AzarathThe CyborgThe Dastardly DandyThe Wild ManThe Grave MistakeThe Yeller
Minor Characters Sonia Conchita HernándezThe CouchGrim ReaperMagical DoublesSeagullCrabLizardSecond SantaDetective ChimpCouch SpiritTreadmill SpiritGeorge WashingtonUnnamed CitizenPizza DelivererPizza Delivery BoyGayleSeniorsPolice Officer #1Police Officer #2Robin's SonLittle GirlRobin's FangirlsLady Legasus FangirlMother NatureCyborg's GrandchildrenJohnRobin's Parasitic TwinThe RatsMaster of WhistlesSticky JoePeter PanPinocchioWaiterSparklefaceButterbeanGrizzly BearPuppet TigerTVBlack CatTooth FairyDairy KingBlossomBubblesButtercupMojo Jojo's GuardsRed DragonPirate GhostOctopusThe FishSticky JoanTwo O' ClockDaylightCeeLo GreenFall Out BoyB.E.R.SweetAlfred PennyworthCloudJade Wilson
Monsters Sandwich GuardiansCironielian Chrysalis EaterDemon OctopusGiant Mutant OctopusSlime MonsterBarbecue Sauce MonsterGiant Robotic AlienBurrito MonsterBurger RobotScary TeriTwin Destroyers of AzarathGumdrop GoblinHalloween SpiritVirusDoor RobinSphinx StarfireCyborg Chess PiecesBeast Boy Chess PiecesGridnock the Skull CrusherKing GoalBooger MonsterSoccer TrollsBoss MummyMummy HenchmenThe Freak
Organizations Teen TitansTitans EastThe Wonder TwinsH.I.V.E. FiveThe Brotherhood of EvilTeam RobinBizzaro TitansYoung JusticeLeague of LegsJustice LeagueThe Powerpuff Girls