Teen Titans Go! Wiki
Teen Titans Go! Wiki

The Rock of Eternity is a giant stone suspended in the midst of space. It serves as the magic infused, massive refuge of a man known as the Wizard.

So far, only one episode has featured the Rock of Eternity, Season 5's "Little Elvis."


Much of the geologic history of the Rock of Eternity is a mystery; what IS known is that the rock was created some 5000 years ago by someone named "The Champion." It was formed by both stone from Heaven and Hell, giving it a highly magical background.[1] The mighty |wizard Mamaragan settled into the Rock of Eternity, using it as a base of operations for fighting evil opps. But with a prophesy of death literally looming over his head, the mage brought a boy named Billy Batson over to the lair to pass on his powers to him.[2]

When Mr. Mind threatened to destroy Earth in the episode "Little Elvis," Billy (superhero name Shazam) returned to the Rock of Eternity to seek guidance from the Wizard. Unfortunately, the Wizard didn't really feel like helping too much... For one, Shazam had brought the Teen Titans along, and they were getting extremely annoying. And secondly, the Wizard was preoccupied with fulfilling the prophesy of getting crushed by a giant rock. At the end of the episode, he gets fulfillment.


Area Description[]

Seven Deadly Enemies of Man

Looks like the Selfishness sin is trying to blend in with the cavern walls... so selfish hiding like that.

The Rock of Eternity is a ginormous, jagged rock floating above a planet in outer space (possibly Earth). Iron content must be high, because it's got a reddish tint. The main way to go to and from the lair is a magic subway system, but no doubt there's other ways. Large caverns cut through the Rock of Eternity, and the darkness causes the limestone walls to be tinted blue. In addition, dripstone hangs and reaches from the roof and floor, respectively. As for evidence of occupancy, there isn't much beside—pretty much a subway station and a stone throne. A giant square rock hangs just above the chair, and along the left wall sits the statues of the Seven Deadly Enemies of Man.


Season 5[]


Rock of Eternity (2)

Look at them angles, they're amazing!

  • For the Rock of Eternity's exterior, the Teen Titans Go! staff and crew used a small shard of sedimentary rock, but sized it up to look humungous. It's quite obvious what they did here, so it might've been intended as a joke.
  • The 90° angled rock strung up above the Wizard actually says "ROCK OF ETERNITY." Traditionally, this name was reserved for the actual location. Teen Titans Go! decided to add a connection.



Teen Titans Go! Locations
Locations located in Jump City Boots by RobinChemical BearCity HallDemon's Tongue MountainFood BearGame BearHat ShoppeH.I.V.E. TowerJump CityJump City BankJump City BeachJump City Candy FactoryJoker's GelatoJump City Cinemas 12Jump City High SchoolJump City SuburbJump City ZooJump City Juvenile Correction FacilityLe Chez RomantiqueMega Meaty MeatMother Mae-Eye's PieSenior CenterStarfire's IndustriesSuperhero Summer CampThe Brain's HeadquartersThe Brain's HouseThe CaveTitans TowerTooth Fairy's LairWhack-A-DoodlesYum Yum Kitty DinerZippy's Pizza
Locations located outside Jump City Arkham AsylumBamboo Titans TowerCodsvilleDairy King's LairDemon's Tongue MountainFarmGotham CityGut GushersJustice JavaLegasus HeadquartersMount Bro-suviusNorth PolePuppet Wizard's CastleS.T.A.R. LabsThe BatcaveTop Secret Government LaboratoryTriple P RanchWarner Bros. StudiosWayne Manor
Dimensions AzarathBaby LandBizarro WorldDance DimensionThe Dimension of the Night ShinesTrash Hole
Planets and Locations in Outer Space ApokolipsEarthKryptonLilap SystemTamaran

Locations in Dimensions and Planets

Azarath Public LibraryGalactic PrisonPalace of TamaranRock of Eternity