A giant meteor is heading toward the space house, so Starfire, Wonder Woman, Supergirl, and Cyborg take turns in the holographic chamber to see whose plan will work.
While relaxing in the living room watching TV, S.H.A.D.I informs Wonder Woman, Supergirl, Cyborg and Starfire that a giant meteor is about to crash into the Space House. At first Starfire at first thought that a giant ball of meat would come until Wonder Woman and Supergirl explain that it's not, only for S.H.A.D.I. to reveal that the Meteor is made of meat. Cyborg came up with an idea; to re-enact certain scenes from the 1998 live-action film "Armageddon" but they dismissed the idea since they did not want to copy something from a movie. S.H.A.D.I then suggest they use the holographic chambers and use virtual simulation to figure out how to stop the Meat-eor.
The first was Supergirl, who plans to simply punch the Meat-eor. However the force of her fist caused it to be in the shape of a butt. Then she tries to use her heat vision but instead it becomes cooked and finally she tries to freeze it, only for it to be incased in ice instead and thus destroying the Space House and ending the simulation.
Next it's Starfire's turn and she suggests that rather than destroying the Meat-eor, they would simply turn it into their new home which they did and created a few buildings and such. Unfortunately, the Meat-eor began to smell, which attracted meat bears, ending the simulation before getting eaten.
Wonder Woman came up with an idea to destroy said Meat-eor but not by herself but rather with the help of Steve Trevor. However she used the simulation as an excuse to live out her fantasy of going on a date with Steve, which later turned into a wedding for them (with one of the Meat Bears performing the wedding) and finally buying a house. When Supergirl asked her about the plan to stop the Meat-eor, it was too late as the Meat-eor crashed into her and Steve's new home, which ends the simulation.
With no other way, Wonder Woman, Starfire and Supergirl agreed to do Cyborg's re-enactment of the movie "Armageddon," resulting in them doing some of the infamous scenes shown in movie such as: Drilling a hole to find oil, walking slowly towards the ship (mostly because Beast Boy was mopping the floor), Cyborg saying a tearful goodbye to Beast Boy and finally riding the ship into the Meat-or. However due to Cyborg riding the Bomb rather than driving the ship, it crashed into the Meat-eor and even though the bomb is intact, the remote control is destroyed. Wanting to have his plan work like in the movies, Cyborg agreed that he should stay behind as the girls all fly back to the Space House just as the Meat-eor exploded thanks to his plan.
As the girls arrived safely back to the space house, Beast Boy mourns the lost of his best friend, when it turns out that Cyborg actually survives. It is later revealed that they saved Cyborg's head as it was his robot body the stayed behind and blew up the Meat-eor.