The alternate reality created by the song "The Night Begins to Shine", which Starfire refers it to as both "The Dimension of the Night Shines", and "The World of the Eternal Shining Nights", is located on an alien world. The inhabitants of the planet and its landscapes look to be inspired by the radical styles of the 1980's. The sky here is always glowing with a bright, pinkish or purplish color, even when it's night time.
List of Known Residents[]
- B.E.R.
- The Evil Dragon
- Ultralak
- Teen Titans
- Cybernetic Mermaids
- A Giant Wolf
- A Pegasus
- A Golden, Metallic Eagle
- Fall Out Boy (temporarily)
- CeeLo Green (temporarily)
- Sweet
- Baxtory
- Miner
- Sheriff
- Turtle
- Fibulon
Episode Appearances[]
Season 3[]
- 40%, 40%, 20% (debut)
Season 4[]
Season 5[]
Season 6[]
- The Titans, especially Cyborg, retreat to this reality when they are feeling "the blahs".
- In the Teen Titans Go! vs Teen Titans movie, it is revealed that the Dimension of the Night Shines is one of the Infinite/Multiversal Earths that is accessible by using the Worlogog.
- The landscape of the dimension is similar to the backgrounds from the Robot Unicorn Attack video game.