The Hic You Say?! is issue #1 in the Teen Titans Go!: Booyah! line of comics. This makes it the introductory comic in the new series.
"Starfire's Tamaranean hiccups are just like regular ones—except for the explosions! Can the Teen Titans help her stop them before all of Jump City is destroyed?"[1]
At the Tower, Cyborg and Beast Boy are having an intigent dialogue (very rare for the two goofs) about presidents when Robin interrupts, warning them to steer clear of Starfire; she's got Tamaranean hiccups, which are pretty similar to regular hiccups except for the accompanying EXPLOSION. After a couple of blasts, the Titans set to work on trying to find a cure. Raven offers Star a glass of water, but gets a boom in response. Robin then tries a Batman-inspired jump scare, but this only results in him being kicked into a wall—with explosion crushing him in deeper. Apparently, none of the native Tamaranean folk cures are available, but Starfire tries to comfort them, saying that the hiccups will be gone in three years. This doesn't comfort the Titans at all, so they try out Beast Boy's scientifically reliable (not really) theory that, if Starfire is upside down, the hiccups will stop. It fails as another explosion shatters the Tower floor; the Titans land safely, except for Cyborg, but at least the ground broke his fall.
After three near-death experiences, Beast Boy has another brilliant idea: if Starfire holds her breath, then it stands to reason that she can't hiccup anymore! Sounds good, doesn't work... it turns out Tamaraneans can survive without breathing, so that's not gonna do it. Cyborg then tries hypnosis on Starfire to get rid of the Tamaranean hiccups, but his efforts are rewarded with a direct blast to the face. The team turns to Raven's "The Big Book of Hiccup Cures," but while they're scanning through it, they hear someone at the doorbell...

Who would win—an immense fighting force with advanced alien technology, or exactly one hiccup?
Outside is a gigantic Gordanian army and fleet commanded by Blackfire! She's arrived to dominate the planet, but the Teen Titans aren't gonna let that happen—little does Blackfire know of the their secret weapon... A massive hiccup from Starfire obliterates her sister's entire military force, and just like that, the tyrannical campaign is defeated... Afterwards, the Titans realize that Starfire's Tamaranean hiccups can actually be used for some GOOD. With her help, the heroes take on multiple tasks, including a building demolition job, fireworks, and opening some childproof bottles.
The good deeds pay off when the people of Jump City throw a celebration for the team. It's a great day—that is until Starfire's Tamaranean hiccups are suddenly gone. Desperate to retain their newfound fame, the Titans immediately start searching for a cure for her cure of hiccups...

"⚞Hee hee⚟"
Main Characters
Minor Characters
- Silkie
- Blackfire
- The Gordanians
- Jump City Citizens
Voodoo doll, center right.
- In fact, it appears that this issue wasn't originally part of Teen Titans Go! Booyah! Comic Series but part of the original one, as it was originally released in 2019 in print before being released digitally in the Booyah series.
- Technically, it is one of the TTG comics to have a physical print before it gets a digital print variant as opposed to the other issues that got released as a digital print before getting a physical release, or being released as both digitally and physically in the same day if it was a sister-issue.
- The title of the comic, "The Hic You Say?!" is a pun on the phrase "the heck you say?"
- A Voodoo doll can be seen lying on the ground outside of Raven's room.
- This is the second time Starfire has a Tamaranean exclusive illness. The first time was in "Starfire Starter".
- Two U.S. presidents, [1] and Calvin Coodlidge, are mentioned in this issue. Past presidents have often been featured in Teen Titans Go! media, such as George Washington in the episode "Money Grandma".
- Several DC characters can be seen on pictures throughout the Titans Tower, including:
- Aquaman (both the Teen Titans Go! and Prime Earth appearances) are shown in the same picture, with the Prime Earth version leaning on the Teen Titans Go! version in a dominant manner.) His Teen Titans Go! version is also on a sign in Jump City.
- Plastic Man (hugging Starfire)
- Wildfire (Drake Burroughs)
- Blue Beetle (Ted Kord)
You wouldn't like Starfire when she hiccups...
- Etrigan
- At one point, Robin warns Blackfire that "[w]e have a hic." This emulates the line "[w]e have a Hulk," a line spoken by Iron Man to Loki in Marvel's 2012 movie The Avengers.[2]
Running Gags[]
- Starfire has numerous explosive hiccups, often injuring the Teen Titans.
- The Titans try many remedies/techniques to stop Starfire's hiccups.
The transcript for "The Hic You Say?!" can be found here.
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The image gallery for The Hic You Say?! may be viewed here. |