Robin dreams of receiving a #1 Dad mug, so Raven magically turns them into a sitcom family.
Cyborg and Beast Boy crash the T-Car into the Tower living room with an urgent message: they've just returned from the Mug Store with mugs for the team! Everyone receives a special, exclusive mug—except for Robin, who gets a plain white one. While he appreciates the simple utility, Robin's always wanted a #1 Dad mug, but with no family, he's never had a chance to get one. Annoyed by his pathetic crying, Raven decides to help Robin earn his mug by turning the Titans into a classic sitcom family. They magically vanish just before the crime alert goes off, but oh well.
A theme song starts playing for "The Titans," and the cast is introduced: Robin is the striving breadwinner dad, Raven plays a hardworking housewife, Cyborg plays "Granny," Robin's mother-in-law, Starfire portrays a high-school daughter, Beast Boy plays... a boy, Thompson appears as a mysterious special guest star, and finishing out the cast is Silkie—as Silkie. The show starts at the dinner table, and the usual sitcom comedy dialogue sets in, complete with laugh tracks. The "family" is irked at Robin, who isn't keeping up with the "kids'" school lives or even working at a job. With the house falling apart, Granny asserting Raven would've been better off marrying Aqualad, and many other problems, Robin is a downright father failure.
Annoyed at the berating, Robin goes outside to talk to his neighbor Thompson, a fishing hat-wearing, shadowy figure concealed behind a bush. Hearing his struggle, Thompson recommends emulating the ancient Mesopotamians, revered for their undertaking of family needs and responsibilities. Robin likes the idea and hops to it, but something seems sinister about Thompson...
For the first act of his newfound fatherly commitment, Robin starts teaching Beast Boy how to ride a bike. But he takes the parental guidance too far, giving him nearly every safety device and contraption conceivable. An inflatable raft launches Beast Boy off the bike, ironically severely injuring him. Next, he enlists Starfire to help him fix the bathroom sink. After she inconsiderately chucks tools at his head, the leak becomes so bad that Robin grabs Silkie to contain the water. Eventually, the whole house gets flooded; he's had enough bonding with Starfire for the day. Later on, the family is nicely surprised to see that Robin's made some vegetarian lasagna for dinner. Unfortunately, he used Raven's Spellbook as a recipe guide, and now Granny has demonic lasagna bursting out of her...
Disappointed that his plans didn't pan out well, Robin goes back to sulk to Thompson. The shady figure quotes Francis Bacon to try and cheer him up, but some shouts from behind the bush catch Robin's attention. Thompson denies hearing the screams, but a quick look over the bush reveals Robin's family tied up on a barbecue—and Thompson, revealed to be a giant, multi-armed monster, is the cook! The beast easily stops Robin from saving them, then taunts that he can't even be a good dad. But the Titans point out that, while he might not be perfect, Robin at least tries, making him a super dad. A #1 Dad mug descends from the clouds, and Robin flies at Thompson with the mug, destroying the monster in a fiery explosion!
The Titans thank Robin for saving them, and he promises that nothing will break up their family. Just then, Aqualad rolls up in a limousine, and Raven, Starfire, and Beast Boy to go live with him instead. Robin is now sad and all alone—except for Granny, who smacks the #1 Dad mug out of his hand.
As expected by the note in Silkie's pet bowl from "Bumgorf" (the previous episode), Silkie makes his return in this episode.
Raven can be seen reading the same astrology book from "Lucky Stars" at the beginning of the episode.
The book that Robin uses to make vegetarian lasagna is the same one from "Books" and "Magic Man" which was Raven's spellbook here instead of her pocket-sized purple spellbook.
Cyborg being the grandma can be considered as a callback to "Grandma Voice".
A couple of historical references are mentioned in this episode, including the culture of the West Asian Mesopotamians and the English philosopher Francis Bacon.
The lasagna monster popping out of Cyborg's chest is a reference to the Chestburster Xenomorph from the 1979 sci-if horror film Alien.
Cyborg's grandma character costume, wig and voice are a reference to Tyler Perry's character Madea.
Thompson is a reference to Mr. Wilson from Home Improvement, as both hide behind bushes while giving their neighbors advice.
Running Gags[]
Robin the Father constantly making mishaps at home.