Teen Titans Go! Wiki
Teen Titans Go! Wiki
Teen Titans Go! Wiki

Quote1 Silence is a gift, and you pooped on it. Humph! Quote2
-- The Whisperer in "And the Award for Sound Design Goes to Rob".

The Whisperer is a minor villain in Teen Titans Go! who makes a solitary appearance in "And the Award for Sound Design Goes to Rob." The Whisperer speaks in a high pitched yet hushed whisper that can be hard to understand at times, which is where she gets her name from. Her primary goal is to deprive the world of sound so her soft speech can be heard. She is voiced by Hynden Walch.


In "And the Award for Sound Design Goes to Rob," the Whisperer overhears Raven's pleading for silence. When the Whisperer appears in her bedroom, Raven at first has a hard time understanding her soft voice, but eventually can make the faint sound. She makes a bargain with Raven to make the earth completely silent (she had to give her tummy tickles to grant the magical power for some reason).

After the next morning, it turns out the other Titans (who made Raven want to delete sound by being constantly vociferous) are still annoyed even without speaking. Raven regrets her decision, and she tricks the Whisperer into nullifying the spell and letting them speak, but speak alone (nothing else). When they try giving sound to objects in the universe, they realize that their versions suck, and decide to travel on a perilous journey to the Whisperer's lair...

Arriving at a steep mountain, carved into a sculpture that displays a man shushing someone, the Titans confront the treacherous Whisperer, made more intense by lame sound effects. To get the Whisperer to surrender the sounds back, they start playing "Bring On The Night", only with their pots and spoons making human sound effects. The awful sound is too much for the Whisperer to handle, so she surrenders a metallic box to Raven, containing the world's lost sound. The Whisperer than vanishes to evade the dreadful loudness.


The Whisperer

The Whisperer cringes in excitement at the loss of sound.

Luminescent purple light radiates off of the Whisperer, who's basically a shot little spirit. Her head is about the same size as the rest of her body. The Whisperer has huge gazing eyes, with lavender pupils almost filling them up completely. She has a small mouth (appropriate for her small words), and a little puff of spirit hair on top of her head. The Whisperer's body is outlined in dark purple streak, too.

Episode Appearances[]

Season 2[]


  • To make the world get rid of sound, all The Whisperer needs to do is get a half demon to touch her stomach, which Raven does.
  • Her appearance is a reference or look similar to that of The Powerpuff Girls.


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The image gallery for The Whisperer may be viewed here.
Teen Titans Go! Characters
Teen Titans RobinStarfireBeast BoyRavenCyborgSilkie
Titans East BumblebeeSpeedyAqualadMásMenosKid Flash
Doom Patrol

ChiefElasti-GirlRobot ManNegative Girl

DC Heroes

BatmanSupermanWonder WomanAquamanJohn StewartHal JordanTomar-ReKilowogThe FlashGreen ArrowHawkmanMartian ManhunterBatgirlVixenB'wana BeastBlack LightningSteelPlastic ManAqualad (Kaldur'ahm)Miss MartianSuperboyArtemisElongated ManVibeAtomKryptoAnimal ManBooster GoldBlue BeetleWonder GirlRed TornadoArsenalPrincess AmethystThe SpectrePower GirlBlack CanaryWildcatShazamDetective ChimpSwamp ThingMetamorphoDeadmanZatannaJonah HexChallengers of the Unknown

Other Heroes JaynaZanRaven's EmoticlonesSilkie's EmoticlonesStarfire's EmoticlonesCyborg's EmoticlonesBeast Boy's EmoticlonesRobin's EmoticlonesCommissioner GordonCarrie KellySilver Age RobinTim DrakeNiborGrobycErifratsNevarBoy BeastTeenage Mutant Ninja TurtlesSplinterWildebeestThe Powerpuff Girls
Villains SladeBrother BloodDoctor LightTrigonTerraBlackfireThe BrainKiller MothMother Mae-EyeMumbo JumboKittenCinderblockPlasmusMonsieur MallahMadame RougeControl FreakMad ModPunk RocketKatarouRose WilsonThe JokerDarkseidBaneHarley QuinnPoison IvyCatwomanTwo-FaceThe PenguinDoomsdayToy Master50% ChadFolding Paper ManBlack MantaRainbow RaiderSanta Claus
H.I.V.E. Five GizmoJinxMammothSee-MoreBilly Numerous
Minor Villains

Kyd WykkydPuppet WizardDeathKiller CrocRobot OverlordsTamaranian DronesMagic GodMockingbirdsEdCarlosBrain SoldiersStarfire's KnowledgeThe Perfect SandwichVegetorThugsKlatakHurt BotBelly BrosGeneral ThraxisThe RiddlerStorkThe ManBenjamin FranklinInvisible ManPelicansThe WhispererFather TimeNew Year BabyCrystal RobotsEvil Pig Master of Pig LatinArmy of PigletsMojo JojoMojo Jojo's Monkey ArmySanta ClausLarge OctopusDance DemonOld McDonaldBingoQueen of EnglandEvil DragonShareconomy RobotsHeavy Metal DemonBalloon ManSinestroClayfaceMr. FreezeScarecrow

Little Buddies Pain BotSuper RobinBirdarangBeat BoxDaveUniverse StaffDemon
Comics Only Mystery IncorporatedMyronCaptain ColdThe GordaniansPhobiaGeneral ImmortusBat-CowColossal BoyFun Gus
Alternate Identities NightwingLady LegasusRed XStoneSapphireRavineBeast BobGrandma VoiceBeast BabeScar ManThe JeffFleshy GuyBeast ManCaptain CankleThunder ThighsThe CalfIncredible QuadMega LegasusStarfire the TerribleDick GravestoneBeast MonsterDemon of AzarathThe CyborgThe Dastardly DandyThe Wild ManThe Grave MistakeThe Yeller
Minor Characters Sonia Conchita HernándezThe CouchGrim ReaperMagical DoublesSeagullCrabLizardSecond SantaDetective ChimpCouch SpiritTreadmill SpiritGeorge WashingtonUnnamed CitizenPizza DelivererPizza Delivery BoyGayleSeniorsPolice Officer #1Police Officer #2Robin's SonLittle GirlRobin's FangirlsLady Legasus FangirlMother NatureCyborg's GrandchildrenJohnRobin's Parasitic TwinThe RatsMaster of WhistlesSticky JoePeter PanPinocchioWaiterSparklefaceButterbeanGrizzly BearPuppet TigerTVBlack CatTooth FairyDairy KingBlossomBubblesButtercupMojo Jojo's GuardsRed DragonPirate GhostOctopusThe FishSticky JoanTwo O' ClockDaylightCeeLo GreenFall Out BoyB.E.R.SweetAlfred PennyworthCloudJade Wilson
Monsters Sandwich GuardiansCironielian Chrysalis EaterDemon OctopusGiant Mutant OctopusSlime MonsterBarbecue Sauce MonsterGiant Robotic AlienBurrito MonsterBurger RobotScary TeriTwin Destroyers of AzarathGumdrop GoblinHalloween SpiritVirusDoor RobinSphinx StarfireCyborg Chess PiecesBeast Boy Chess PiecesGridnock the Skull CrusherKing GoalBooger MonsterSoccer TrollsBoss MummyMummy HenchmenThe Freak
Organizations Teen TitansTitans EastThe Wonder TwinsH.I.V.E. FiveThe Brotherhood of EvilTeam RobinBizzaro TitansYoung JusticeLeague of LegsJustice LeagueThe Powerpuff Girls