Teen Titans Go! Wiki
Teen Titans Go! Wiki

"Truth, Justice and What?" is the thirty-sixth episode of the second season of Teen Titans Go!, and the eighty-eighth overall episode of the series.


Pizza is the source of the Titans' goofy humor.


The episode begins at the Titans Tower, where the Titans arrive back home after another mission, and Robin congratulates them on not singing, dancing, or making him look foolish on the battlefield. As a reward, and after a lot of miss-communication, the Titans start blurting out what type of toppings they want on their pizza reward. But, when Robin finally gets the Titans' attention, he tells them he couldn't afford any toppings. The delivery guy arrives, and after grabbing the pizza and kicking the delivery guy into the elevator, Robin throws the pizza onto the computer.

Of course, the Titans start drooling all over the pizza. After a mess of acting crazy, Robin sighs and says that acting crazy was what pizza has done to the Titans. He says that when he formed the Titans, he was going for truth and justice. But when he was desperate, he turned to TMNT to help him. Mikey shows him that he needs to add pizza. After the other Titans try to tell Robin that pizza is important, Robin establishes a pizza ban. The ban causes the other Titans to quit the team and join the TMNT, just for their pizza. Robin tells them that they are not mutants or turtles. The other Titans drink toxic ooze and form into scary-looking mutated turtles, while Robin watches in horror and disgust as the Titans fall on the ground, leaving Robin with no choice but to take them to the hospital.

The Titans wake up eventually, still in bed but slowly recovering while Robin is standing there, saying that he hoped that something stronger than pizza was holding the Titans together. But since he sees that pizza is the only thing holding the Titans together, Robin calls to order a pizza. But apparently, no pizza places had any pizza left. Robin tells the Titans that there was only one group who could have done this.

The Titans journey into the sewers, which are full of disgusting waste, and walk towards the TMNT's hideout. First, they need a password to enter. Robin randomly guesses correctly. The Titans meet up with TMNT, who admit there wasn't any pizza left for them since the Titans took it all, so they did the same thing to them. TMNT weren't satisfied to eat only sandwiches as they claim those aren't cool, but Robin tells them that they are good. Still inconvenienced, both teams fight for the pizza. However, the Titans are defeated temporarily due to their goofy moves, until Robin claims that they can run around silly and everything. He shoots his grappling gun, which makes the mountain of pizza stacks fall on the Titans. As they eat a large amount of pizza, the Titans get enough goofy energy to fight back against the TMNT, winning the battle. Finally, Robin claims that truth and justice mean nothing without some pizza after a job well done. When Starfire wonders what they should do with the knocked out TMNT, Robin has a plan to steal their turtle shells, masks, and skateboards, as the Titans roll around the sewers the same way the TMNT did, with slices of pizza prepared by Beast Boy who has transformed into a rat resembling Splinter for their next adventure.



  • This episode aired one year after "Missing".
  • This is the third crossover episode in the series. The other ones are "The Best Robin," and "Let's Get Serious".
  • The pizza box that Beast Boy shares with the Titans at the end reads "Pizza in a Half-Shell" which is a reference to "Heroes in a Half-Shell", one of the slogans of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.
  • Michelanglo is voiced by Beast Boy's voice actor, Greg Cipes, who actually does voice Michelanglo in the TMNT 2012-2017 series on Nickelodeon.
  • Donatello is supposedly voiced by Rob Paulsen, but instead he was voiced by Scott Menville.
    • Coincidentally, Menville reprise his role for Donatello in the "Turtles Take Time (and Space)", a TMNT 5-minute short.
  • Animation from "Let's Get Serious" is reused.
  • Pizza is revealed to be the source of the Titans' silliness, and it makes them go crazy as well.
  • According to Greg Cipes, he jokingly said almost got into trouble with this episode thanks to the writers who "like to be controversial", as he got a call from Nickelodeon who said the crew shouldn't be doing that, and in response he told Nickelodeon to tell that to Sam Register instead. [1]


  • Robin mentioning that the Titans didn't embarrass him on the mission for once, maybe a reference to "Let's Get Serious", where the Titans were messing around.
  • This is the second appearance of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. However, this is their official debut aside from their cameo. Also, in "Mas y Menos", Cartoon Network was sued for the reference, but in this episode, they weren't.
  • This is the second time Cyborg has complained about someone else using a catchphrase similar to his, the last time it happened in "Uncle Jokes" when Starfire wanted to use "Boo Ha Ha" as her catchphrase.
  • Robin talks about sandwiches being cool, possibly referencing his sandwich obsession from "Sandwich Thief."
  • This is the second time in which other TV characters are shown. ("I See You")
  • Beast Boy's "surprised face" look from "Real Boy Adventures" is recycled.


  • The premise of this episode is very similar to an issue of the Teen Titans Go! comic, "Truth, Justice, Pizza!". The exact words even appear at the end.
    • It is also from a quote from an old Cartoon Network promo of the original Teen Titans show, where the narrator says that they're fighting for "truth, justice, and the last slice of pizza".
  • The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles make an official debut in the series, as opposed to the cameo they had in "Más y Menos".
    • However, they are only referred to as "turtle dudes" in the episode, and none of their names are ever said.
  • Splinter, the Turtle's martial arts teacher from the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles series, makes a cameo when Robin looked into Donatello's shell, and he kicks Robin.
  • The poster Robin uses to attract Teen Titan recruits features a picture of him as he appeared in the original Teen Titans series.
  • Whenever the Titans act crazy, it is a reference to the black and white Flickering Funnies that aired back in the early 1950s.
  • The Turtle, in the beginning, says "Booyahkasha," Mikey's catchphrase from the Nickelodeon show.
    • As well as the Titans saying "Cowabunga", which was the Turtle's original catchphrase.
  • As Robin bans pizza from the Titans, Raven, Beast Boy, Cyborg and Starfire decide to join the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, but, as Robin points out, they're not mutants or turtles. So they drink some toxic ooze to become mutant turtles. In this scene, they're all wearing bandannas with the same color as the original Mirage turtles, and belt buckles with their initials, as a reference to the 1987 TV series.
    • After their mutation, Cyborg's shoulder pads are replaced by turtle shells, much like the ones Bebop wore on the 1987 TV series.
  • The manhole which the Titans go through to reach the Turtles' lair is near a pet shop, a reference to the Turtles' origin as pet turtles.
  • References in the turtle's hangout location:
    • A graffiti of one of the turtles' faces with lips is a reference to the 2014 film turtles.
    • A "D+A" inscription on the wall is a reference to Donatello's crush on April in the 2012 TV series.
    • A punching bag with a drawing of Bebop's face on it.
    • A drawing of the Nickelodeon's Rat King face, next to the word "Rats", on the wall.
    • The computer screen display resembles the one in the 2014 film.
  • When the Titans dress up as the Turtles in the living room, Starfire says "it is just the mask" referencing a line from the 2014 TMNT film.


  • Robin claims to not have enough money for toppings, yet could afford to buy dozens of plain ones all at once. Though it's possible he was lying just to get out of purchasing the toppings the other Titans wanted.
  • The Turtles are all about the same size, but when the Titans put their shells on, the shells respectively change sizes.
  • Despite Robin's assertion, Beast Boy is, strictly speaking, classified as a mutant (a human child whose genetic code was chemically altered).
    • Since the TMNT are Turtles, Beast Boy didn't have to drink toxic ooze to become one, as he could simply shapeshift into a Turtle, and since Beast Boy can transform into any animal, as long as he has seen it before, he could theoretically transform into a Mutant Turtle, as he had met the TMNT (which are revealed to exist in the same universe as Teen Titans Go! and are thus neither fictional nor mythical).
  • Cyborg flings his butt out, but in "Gorilla" it's revealed he doesn't have one, as his rear end only contains cogs and an exhaust port (this is also seen in "Tower Power").
  • The mutagen that the Titan's use should not have mutated them into turtles. It's confirmed in most incarnations of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles that you'll mutate into any animal judging by the last non-human DNA you touched.

Running Gags[]

  • Robin kicking the pizza guy over.
  • Beast Boy mishearing the phrase "pizza ban", and getting excited over something else.
  • The Titans going crazy when eating pizza.
  • The Titans mentioning cheese.


The transcript for "Truth, Justice and What?" can be found here.


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v - e - d Episode Guide

Season 1: April 23, 2013 - June 5, 2014
Legendary SandwichPie BrosDriver's EdDog HandDouble TroubleThe DateDude RelaxLaundry DayGhostboyLa Larva de AmorHey Pizza!GorillaGirl's Night OutYou're Fired!Super RobinTower PowerParasiteStarliarMeatball PartyStaff MeetingTerra-izedArtful DodgersBurger vs. BurritoMatchedColors of RavenThe Left LegBooksLazy SundayStarfire the TerriblePower MovesStaring at the FutureNo PowerSidekickCaged TigerSecond ChristmasNose MouthLegsBreakfast CheeseWafflesBe MineOppositesBirdsBrain FoodIn and OutLittle BuddiesMissingUncle JokesMás y MenosDreamsGrandma VoiceReal MagicPuppets, Whaaaaat?

Season 2: June 12, 2014 - July 30, 2015
Mr ButtMan PersonPiratesMoney GrandmaI See YouBrianNatureSalty CodgersKnowledgeSlumber PartyLove MonstersBaby HandsCaramel ApplesSandwich ThiefFriendshipVegetablesThe MaskSerious BusinessHalloweenBoys vs GirlsBody AdventureRoad TripThanksgivingThe Best RobinMouth HoleHot GarbageRobin BackwardsCrazy DaySmile BonesReal Boy AdventuresHose WaterLet's Get SeriousTamaranian VacationRocks and WaterMultiple Trick PonyTruth, Justice and What?Two Bumble Bees and a WaspOil DrumsVideo Game ReferencesCool SchoolKicking a Ball and Pretending to Be HurtHead FruitYearbook MadnessBeast ManOperation Tin ManNeanCampfire StoriesAnd the Award for Sound Design Goes to RobThe HIVE FiveThe Return of SladeMore of the SameSome of Their Parts

Season 3: July 31, 2015 - October 13, 2016
Cat's FancyLeg DayDignity of TeethCroissantSpice GameI'm the SauceHey You, Don't Forget about Me in Your MemoryAccept the Next Proposition You HearThe Fourth Wall40%, 40%, 20%Grube's FairytalesA FarceScary Figure DanceAnimals, It's Just a Word!BBBDAY!Black FridayTwo ParterThe True Meaning of ChristmasSquash & StretchGarage SaleSecret GardenThe Cruel Giggling GhoulHow 'Bout Some EffortPyramid SchemeBeast Boy's St. Patrick's Day Luck, and It's BadThe Teen Titans Go Easter Holiday ClassicBatman v Teen Titans: Dark InjusticeBottle EpisodeFinally a LessonArms Race with LegsObinrayWally TRad Dudes with Bad TudesOperation Dude RescueHistory LessonThe Art of NinjutsuThink About Your FutureTTG v PPGCoconut Cream PiePure ProteinOpen Door PolicyCrazy Desire IslandThe Titans ShowBooty ScootyWho's Laughing NowOregon TrailSnuggle TimeOh Yeah!Riding the DragonThe OverbiteThe Cape

Season 4: October 20, 2016 - June 25, 2018
Shrimps and Prime RibHalloween v ChristmasBooby Trap HouseFish WaterTV KnightTeen Titans Save ChristmasBBSFBDAY!The StreakThe Inner Beauty of a CactusMovie NightBBRAEPermanent RecordTitan Saving TimeThe Gold StandardMaster DetectiveEaster CreepsHand ZombieEmployee of the Month: ReduxThe AvogodoOranginsJinxedBrain PercentagesBL4Z3Hot Salad WaterI Saw You DanceThe Story in Your EyesPlaying Hard to GetThe Night Begins to ShineLicationLabor DayClassic TitansOnes and ZeroesCareer DayTV Knight 2Justice League's Next Top Talent Idol StarThe AcademyCostume ContestThrone of BonesDemon PromThanksgettingThe Self-Indulgent 200th Episode Spectacular!BBCYFSHIPBDAYBeast GirlFlashbackBro-PocalypseMo' Money Mo' ProblemsTV Knight 3

Season 5: June 25, 2018 - April 4, 2020
The Scoop!Chicken in the CradleKaboomsTower RenovationMy Name is JoseThe Power of ShrimpsMonster SquadReal OranginsQuantum FunThe FightThe GrooverJustice League's Next Top Talent Idol Star: Second Greatest Team EditionHow's This for a Special? SpaaaaceBBRBDAYSlapping Butts and Celebrating for No ReasonNostalgia is Not a Substitute for an Actual StoryBusiness Ethics Wink WinkGenie PresidentTall Titan TalesI Used to Be a PeoplesThe Metric System vs FreedomThe ChaffThem Soviet BoysLittle ElvisBooty EggsTV Knight 4Lil' DimplesDon't Be an IcarusStockton, CA!What's Opera TitansForest PiratesThe BergeracSnot and TearsCampfire!What We Learned at CampCommunicate OpenlyRoyal JellyStrength of a Grown ManHad to Be ThereGirls Night InThe Great DisasterThe Viewers DecideCartoon FeudCurse of the Booty ScootyCollect Them AllTeen Titans VroomTeen Titans Roar!

Season 6: October 4, 2019 - May 1, 2021
Butt AtomsTV Knight 5Witches BrewThat's What's Up!Crab ShenanigansBrobotsBrain FlipBeast Boy on a ShelfChristmas CrusadersWe're Off to Get AwardsBat ScoutsWalk AwayRecord BookMagic ManTitans Go CasualRain on Your Wedding DayEgg HuntJustice League's Next Top Talent Idol Star: Justice League EditionMission to Find the Lost StemsDrumsGuitarBassYou're The OneWhere Exactly on the Globe is Carl Sanpedro? - Part 1Where Exactly on the Globe is Carl Sanpedro? - Part 2Where Exactly on the Globe is Carl Sanpedro? - Part 3Where Exactly on the Globe is Carl Sanpedro? - Part 4Ghost With the MostBucket ListTV Knight 6KryptoniteThumb WarToddler Titans…Yay!Baby MouthThe CastSuperhero FeudLucky StarsVarious Modes of TransportationCool UnclesButter WallBBRAEBDAYDon't Press PlayReal ArtJust a Little Patience...Yeah...YeahVillains in a Van Getting GelatoI Am ChairBumgorfThe MugHafo SafoZimdings

Season 7: January 8, 2021 - September 16, 2022
Justice League's Next Top Talent Idol Star: Dance Crew EditionFeed MePig in a PokeP.P.A Little Help PleaseMarv Wolfman and George PérezSpace House - Part 1Space House - Part 2Space House - Part 3Space House - Part 4Cy and BeastyT is for TitansCreative GeniusesManor and MannerismsTrans Oceanic Magical CruisePolly Ethylene and Tara PhthalateEEbowsBatman's Birthday GiftWhat a Boy WondersDoomsday PreppersFat CatsJamDCPepo the PumpkinmanBreakfastCaptain CoolA Doom Patrol ThanksgivingGlunkakakakahControl FreakA Holiday StoryThe DripStandards & PracticesBelly MathFree PerkGo!Finding AquamanWhodundidit?Sweet RevengePorch PiratesA Sticky SituationThe Perfect Pitch?Pool SeasonKyleTV Knight 7We'll Be Right BackJump City RockNatural Gas50% ChadThe Score365!

Season 8: October 7, 2022 -
Welcome to HalloweenThe Great Holiday EscapeLooking For LoveTeen Titans ActionTV Knight 8A Stickier SituationWinning a Golf Tournament Is The Solution to All Of Life's Money ProblemsAlways Be CrimefightingEaster AnnihilationThe Brain of the FamilyArthurToilet WaterPlot HolesUtility BeltOur HouseBeard HunterElasti-BotNew ChumIntroHaunted TankWarner Bros. 100th AnniversaryWishboneChristmas MagicShipCatpin Freak50% CrewFive BucksWild CardAzarath! Metrion! Bookstore!The Great Azarathian Face OffBookymanUnleashedOriginal IdeaAttention to DetailThe RanchTV Knight 9Four Hundred

Top of the Titans: April 27, 2018 - July 20, 2018
Raddest SongsBest Love SongsBeast Boy & Cyborg SongsDance PartyBest Rivals
