Teen Titans Go! Wiki
Teen Titans Go! Wiki
Teen Titans Go! Wiki

Harvey Dent, better known by his criminal name Two-Face, is a classic enemy of Batman who lives by luck alone. This deranged, split-in-half supervillain was once allied with Batman, but his disfigurement changed his appearance and motives.

In the finale of the Teen Titans Go! Island Adventures special, he makes a cameo beside many other prominent villains.


Batman History[]

Before his turn to scum and villainy, Harvey Dent held a promising career as the District Attorney of Gotham City. Alongside the mysterious Dark Knight, he helped clear the streets of crime. But after having the left side of his face doused in acid, Dent lost his mind and fell to the criminal underworld. Half of his face burned gave him the inspiration of using the name Two-Face. One of his trademarks was using a coin to make a 50/50 decision, usually whether to let someone live or shoot. He repeatedly takes on the one responsible for his downfall... Batman.

Teen Titans Go![]

Generally a Batman adversary, Two-Face had not come in to contact with the Teen Titans for a while ('cept Robin, who fought him alongside his mentor)... he usually was just pictured inside the Titans Tower and Robin's room for be-on-the-lookouts. However, Control Freak introduces him in "The Titans Show", hoping he, along with various other supervillains, can take on the Titans. Sadly, the episode ends before that gets to happen.


TTG Two-Face

Design of Two-Face for "The Titans Show".

So, for the physical description of Harvey, we're goin to split him into two parts: the right and the left. That way it'll be more simple, and simple is better. Two-Face's right side is his "Harvey Face" half, well groomed and professional. His bluish black hair is well combed, and he wears a slightly pink-tinted suit with a white collar, black dress shirt, and white tie. Two-Face's sleeves and midsection have buttons, and below his pink pant is a finely polished white shoe.

The left shoe, however, is a mismatched black dress shoe. In fact, his entire left side is mismatched: this is his monstrous, deformed side. Two-Face's left pant leg is colored dark maroon, and so is his suit. The buttons are still in the same place, but his under shirt is now white and his tie black. The collar of the suit is slightly darker red. Harvey's hand and face on the left side are no longer white... they're now a grisly, greenish blue color with warts and wrinkles all over. His eyeball turning yellow from rot, and his cheek is slowly corroding away, making his smile hideous. His neat hair is now all furled up and white as a ghost.

Power and Abilities[]

  • Criminal mastermind: Harvey is excellent is scheming up criminal operations, and when there's a decision, there's a coin flip.
  • Toxin immunity: He can not be damaged by any deadly chemical formulas.
  • Hand-to-hand combat: Batman cannot take him down easily, as Two-Face has punching skills.
  • Master shooter: A target can be hit with deadly accuracy by his semi auto pistols.
  • Law school: Almost useless, as criminals don't abide by the law, but you never know when law knowledge might be needed...

Episode Appearances[]

Season 1[]

Season 3[]

Season 4[]

Season 6[]

Season 7[]

Season 8[]


Click here to view more images from Two-Face.
The image gallery for Two-Face may be viewed here.


  • His appearance in "The Titans Show" is based off of his appearance in Batman: the Animated Series.
  • Design art of Two-Face shows him flipping his signature coin with his left thumb. This exact picture was used for the episode in which he appeared, but the coin was taken out. The result: Two-Face just randomly giving the Titans a thumbs up, which can be a bit bothersome.
  • He received a major redesign in "Bat Scouts", the most noticeable change being his scar going from blue-green to pink-red.
  • In "Manor and Mannerisms", he is seen in an outfit inspired by the one he wore in "Batman Forever".
Teen Titans Go! Characters
Teen Titans RobinStarfireBeast BoyRavenCyborgSilkie
Titans East BumblebeeSpeedyAqualadMásMenosKid Flash
Doom Patrol

ChiefElasti-GirlRobot ManNegative Girl

DC Heroes

BatmanSupermanWonder WomanAquamanJohn StewartHal JordanTomar-ReKilowogThe FlashGreen ArrowHawkmanMartian ManhunterBatgirlVixenB'wana BeastBlack LightningSteelPlastic ManAqualad (Kaldur'ahm)Miss MartianSuperboyArtemisElongated ManVibeAtomKryptoAnimal ManBooster GoldBlue BeetleWonder GirlRed TornadoArsenalPrincess AmethystThe SpectrePower GirlBlack CanaryWildcatShazamDetective ChimpSwamp ThingMetamorphoDeadmanZatannaJonah HexChallengers of the Unknown

Other Heroes JaynaZanRaven's EmoticlonesSilkie's EmoticlonesStarfire's EmoticlonesCyborg's EmoticlonesBeast Boy's EmoticlonesRobin's EmoticlonesCommissioner GordonCarrie KellySilver Age RobinTim DrakeNiborGrobycErifratsNevarBoy BeastTeenage Mutant Ninja TurtlesSplinterWildebeestThe Powerpuff Girls
Villains SladeBrother BloodDoctor LightTrigonTerraBlackfireThe BrainKiller MothMother Mae-EyeMumbo JumboKittenCinderblockPlasmusMonsieur MallahMadame RougeControl FreakMad ModPunk RocketKatarouRose WilsonThe JokerDarkseidBaneHarley QuinnPoison IvyCatwomanTwo-FaceThe PenguinDoomsdayToy Master50% ChadFolding Paper ManBlack MantaRainbow RaiderSanta Claus
H.I.V.E. Five GizmoJinxMammothSee-MoreBilly Numerous
Minor Villains

Kyd WykkydPuppet WizardDeathKiller CrocRobot OverlordsTamaranian DronesMagic GodMockingbirdsEdCarlosBrain SoldiersStarfire's KnowledgeThe Perfect SandwichVegetorThugsKlatakHurt BotBelly BrosGeneral ThraxisThe RiddlerStorkThe ManBenjamin FranklinInvisible ManPelicansThe WhispererFather TimeNew Year BabyCrystal RobotsEvil Pig Master of Pig LatinArmy of PigletsMojo JojoMojo Jojo's Monkey ArmySanta ClausLarge OctopusDance DemonOld McDonaldBingoQueen of EnglandEvil DragonShareconomy RobotsHeavy Metal DemonBalloon ManSinestroClayfaceMr. FreezeScarecrow

Little Buddies Pain BotSuper RobinBirdarangBeat BoxDaveUniverse StaffDemon
Comics Only Mystery IncorporatedMyronCaptain ColdThe GordaniansPhobiaGeneral ImmortusBat-CowColossal BoyFun Gus
Alternate Identities NightwingLady LegasusRed XStoneSapphireRavineBeast BobGrandma VoiceBeast BabeScar ManThe JeffFleshy GuyBeast ManCaptain CankleThunder ThighsThe CalfIncredible QuadMega LegasusStarfire the TerribleDick GravestoneBeast MonsterDemon of AzarathThe CyborgThe Dastardly DandyThe Wild ManThe Grave MistakeThe Yeller
Minor Characters Sonia Conchita HernándezThe CouchGrim ReaperMagical DoublesSeagullCrabLizardSecond SantaDetective ChimpCouch SpiritTreadmill SpiritGeorge WashingtonUnnamed CitizenPizza DelivererPizza Delivery BoyGayleSeniorsPolice Officer #1Police Officer #2Robin's SonLittle GirlRobin's FangirlsLady Legasus FangirlMother NatureCyborg's GrandchildrenJohnRobin's Parasitic TwinThe RatsMaster of WhistlesSticky JoePeter PanPinocchioWaiterSparklefaceButterbeanGrizzly BearPuppet TigerTVBlack CatTooth FairyDairy KingBlossomBubblesButtercupMojo Jojo's GuardsRed DragonPirate GhostOctopusThe FishSticky JoanTwo O' ClockDaylightCeeLo GreenFall Out BoyB.E.R.SweetAlfred PennyworthCloudJade Wilson
Monsters Sandwich GuardiansCironielian Chrysalis EaterDemon OctopusGiant Mutant OctopusSlime MonsterBarbecue Sauce MonsterGiant Robotic AlienBurrito MonsterBurger RobotScary TeriTwin Destroyers of AzarathGumdrop GoblinHalloween SpiritVirusDoor RobinSphinx StarfireCyborg Chess PiecesBeast Boy Chess PiecesGridnock the Skull CrusherKing GoalBooger MonsterSoccer TrollsBoss MummyMummy HenchmenThe Freak
Organizations Teen TitansTitans EastThe Wonder TwinsH.I.V.E. FiveThe Brotherhood of EvilTeam RobinBizzaro TitansYoung JusticeLeague of LegsJustice LeagueThe Powerpuff Girls