Waffles is a song in "Waffles". It was originally sung by Beast Boy and Cyborg, much to the other Titans' annoyance. Later in the episode, Robin, Raven and Starfire are captured by Brother Blood, and are forced to repeat the word continuously (just as Beast Boy and Cyborg did) in order to call off Brother Blood's Pain Bot.
The song was reprised in "Wally T", when Cyborg and Beast Boy brought it back after hearing how much Wally T liked it the first time. However, they learned that a joke's only funny once when Wally T didn't care for the reprise.
In "Had to Be There", the Titans traveled back to the events of the episode "Waffles" and inserted Bumblebee into the memory. Bumblebee danced along to the waffles song, but ruined it when she started adding her own lyrics to the song and singing "Pancakes".
IN "Villains in a Van Getting Gelato", Brother Blood recalls the flashback of this song, where a meteor was heading for jump city, knowing the Titans Tower power arsenal would be the only thing it would stop it. Later when he arrives at the tower, complaining about the meteor, the Titans start repeat "Waffles", and the song again, causing Brother Blood to jump out the window, leaving the meteor to destroy half of Jump City.
Beast Boy and Cyborg:
Waffles, waffles, wa-ffles!
Waffles, waffles, wa-ffles!
Waffles, waffles, wa-ffles!
Waffles, waffles, wa-ffles!
Waffles, waffles, wa-ffles!
Waffles, waffles, wa-ffles!
Waffles, waffles, wa-ffles!
Waffles, waffles, wa-ffles!
Waffles waffles!, Waffles waffles!
Waffles waffles!, Waffles waffles!
Robin, Starfire, and Raven:
Waffles, waffles, wa-ffles!
Waffles, waffles, wa-ffles!
Waffles, waffles, wa-ffles!
Waffles, waffles, wa-ffles!
Waffles, waffles, wa-ffles!
Waffles, waffles, wa-ffles!
Waffles, waffles, wa-ffles!
Waffles, waffles, wa-ffles!
Waffles, waffles! Waffles, waffles!
Waffles, waffles! Waffles, waffles!
Waffles, waffles! Waffles!
- When Robin, Raven and Starfire sing this, when the characters are in 3 waffles, the animation and dance moves are a reference to the show's first season title theme.
- The song is referenced in Teen Titans Go! to the Movies, when Slade sarcastically asked the titans if they were going to defeat him by singing about The Waffles Song.