Teen Titans Go! Wiki
Teen Titans Go! Wiki

Zippy's Pizza is a restaurant in Teen Titans Go!. It has appeared in "Hey Pizza!" and "Staring at the Future".


In "Hey Pizza!", Cyborg and Beast Boy were sitting on the couch watching TV, when they saw an ad about Zippy's Pizza, at the end of the ad it says that if they do not deliver their pizza in under thirty minutes then it would be free. This causes Cyborg and Beast Boy to go in a "Pizza War".

In "Staring at the Future", Beast Boy and Cyborg go to Zippy's Pizza to eat. They fight over the final slice which falls on the ground, and they decide to have a staring contest to see who gets it. They end up staring at pizza for 30 years, and emerge from the pizza store in the future. When Cyborg builds a time machine, they arrive back at the store where they share the pizza rather than fight over it. Another 30 years later, most of the store has been destroyed, along with the rest of the city.


Episode Appearances[]

Season 1[]

Season 5[]

Game Appearances[]


  • Zippy's Pizza has been destroyed in both of its appearances so far. However, it always seems to be fixed before it is destroyed again.
  • The pizza on the logo resembles Pizza Steve from Uncle Grandpa.
  • Zippy's Pizza has a different logo in the future that gives gives everyone a clue that Zippy's Pizza was possibly founded in 2010.


Teen Titans Go! Locations
Locations located in Jump City Boots by RobinChemical BearCity HallDemon's Tongue MountainFood BearGame BearHat ShoppeH.I.V.E. TowerJump CityJump City BankJump City BeachJump City Candy FactoryJoker's GelatoJump City Cinemas 12Jump City High SchoolJump City SuburbJump City ZooJump City Juvenile Correction FacilityLe Chez RomantiqueMega Meaty MeatMother Mae-Eye's PieSenior CenterStarfire's IndustriesSuperhero Summer CampThe Brain's HeadquartersThe Brain's HouseThe CaveTitans TowerTooth Fairy's LairWhack-A-DoodlesYum Yum Kitty DinerZippy's Pizza
Locations located outside Jump City Arkham AsylumBamboo Titans TowerCodsvilleDairy King's LairDemon's Tongue MountainFarmGotham CityGut GushersJustice JavaLegasus HeadquartersMount Bro-suviusNorth PolePuppet Wizard's CastleS.T.A.R. LabsThe BatcaveTop Secret Government LaboratoryTriple P RanchWarner Bros. StudiosWayne Manor
Dimensions AzarathBaby LandBizarro WorldDance DimensionThe Dimension of the Night ShinesTrash Hole
Planets and Locations in Outer Space ApokolipsEarthKryptonLilap SystemTamaran

Locations in Dimensions and Planets

Azarath Public LibraryGalactic PrisonPalace of TamaranRock of Eternity